Ma Teng

Ma Teng
A Qing dynasty illustration of Ma Teng
Minister of the Guards (衛尉)
In office
208 (208)–211 (211)
MonarchEmperor Xian of Han
ChancellorCao Cao
General of the Vanguard (前將軍)
In office
MonarchEmperor Xian of Han
General Who Attacks the South (征南將軍)
In office
202 (202)–208 (208)
MonarchEmperor Xian of Han
General Who Pacifies the Di (安狄將軍)
In office
195 (195)–202 (202)
MonarchEmperor Xian of Han
General who Guards the West (鎮西将軍)
In office
192 (192)–195 (195)
MonarchEmperor Xian of Han
Personal details
Xingping, Shaanxi
DiedJune or July 212[1]
Handan, Hebei
  • Ma Ping (father)
RelativesMa Dai (nephew)
OccupationMilitary general, warlord
Courtesy nameShoucheng (壽成)
PeerageMarquis of Huaili (槐里侯)

Ma Teng (pronunciation) (died June or July 212),[a] courtesy name Shoucheng, was a Chinese military general and warlord who lived during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China.[1] He controlled Liang Province (涼州; covering parts of present-day Shaanxi and Gansu) with another warlord, Han Sui. Ma Teng and Han Sui were involved in efforts to gain autonomy from the Han central government.


Ma Teng was born in Maoling County (茂陵縣), Fufeng Commandery (扶風郡) (present-day Xingping, Shaanxi). He was a descendant of Ma Yuan. His father, Ma Ping (馬平), whose courtesy name, was Zishuo (子碩), was a minor official in Tianshui Commandery, but because of some dispute he was dismissed from his post, and went to live among the Qiang people. Ma Ping's family was poor and without connection therefore he married a Qiang woman, who gave birth to Ma Teng.[2]

Ma Teng grew up in extreme poverty and made a living selling firewood to the city markets that he collected in the mountains. He was extremely tall, more than eight chi tall (approximately 1.84 metres), his appearance large and imposing, his face and nose majestic. He was also known to be virtuous therefore many people admired him.[3]

In 184, during the final years of Emperor Ling's reign, the Qiang people in Liang Province rose up against the local government under Beigong Yu (北宫玉) and Liwen Hou (李文侯). They were joined by members of the local gentry Han Sui and Bian Zhang. The official Han governor of Liang Province, Geng Bi (耿鄙), gathered forces to put down the rebellion. He recruited among the locals, people known to be courageous and strong wishing to suppress the rebels. Ma Teng volunteered as a foot soldier.[4]

He impressed the provincial government and local officials; therefore, he was promoted to Assistant Officer in the army, whose role was to manage the troops. His skills in battle against the rebels were further recognised and he was appointed as Major (軍司馬). For his merits, he was reassigned to Lieutenant-General (偏將軍) and General Who Subdues the West (征西將軍) stationed in the Shaanxi region.[5]

However, when Geng Bi was killed in battle by the rebel army, Ma Teng switched sides and joined Han Sui. The rebellion was eventually suppressed by the Han general Huangfu Song but Ma Teng escaped along with the rebels. In the end, the central government granted military titles to some of the rebel leaders in order to appease them.

When Li Jue and Guo Si seized power over Chang'an after Dong Zhuo's assassination, Ma Teng and Han Sui at first pledged allegiance to them, and were appointed as General who Attacks the West (征西将軍) and General who Guards the West (鎮西将軍) respectively. However, the relationship between the two sides quickly soured, and Ma Teng and Han Sui led their armies in an attempt to seize Chang'an. They allied themselves with the warlord Liu Yan, but suffered defeats from the hands of Li Jue's forces led by Guo Si, Fan Chou and Li Li. Not only was the loss of 10,000 soldiers a heavy blow to the morale of the allied forces, they also faced a supply shortage at the time, so the eloquent Han Sui asked Fan Chou for a private talk, during which Han Sui successfully persuaded Fan Chou to abort the pursuit because they shared the same hometown. The allied forces then retreated back to Liang Province safely.

During the Chuping (初平; 190–193 period), he was appointed as General Who Subdues the East (征東將軍). He remarked that the western regions were short of food and wrote a memorial to the court asking for further provisions therefore moved his troops eastward however the local General Wang Cheng and his subordinates feared he would harm them therefore they attacked his camp. Ma Teng was surprised and not ready for the sudden betrayal, he was defeated and fled westward.[6]

Ma Teng didn't go back east and joined Han Sui. Although Ma Teng was initially on good terms with Han Sui, both of them as close as brothers. However as conflict arose between their respective retainers, the two went to war against each other over control of Liang Province. The fighting escalated to a point where they became sworn enemies. Once, Ma Teng forced Han Sui to flee until the later after gathering his soldiers came back and killed Ma Teng's wife and children. From then on, the conflict escalated.[7]

Cao Cao, who at this point had decisively defeated Yuan Shao at the Battle of Guandu, and had Zhong Yao along with Wei Duan (韋端) brokered peace between Ma Teng and Han Sui, who then pledged allegiance to the Han dynasty and sent troops to assist Cao Cao in defeating Yuan Shao's successors and remnants. Ma Teng was appointed as General of the Vanguard (前將軍) and enfeoffed as the Marquis of Huaili (槐里侯).[8]

While he was in the West, Ma Teng was known to have well defended his lands against aggressive tribes and bandits, caring for the learned scholars and promoting talented people, protected and treated generously the common people therefore he was greatly respected for his achievements.[9]

In 208, Cao Cao wanted to conquer Jing but fearing the warlords influence in Guanzhong. He summoned Ma Teng to Ye city with most of his family and have them disbanded their personal troops. Zhang Ji was in charge to persuade him. As Ma Teng was still hesitant about this, Zhang Ji to press him, ordered the counties to prepare supplies for his arrival and had officials of high position sent to welcome him. Ma Teng had no choice but to go east.[10] Already in his old age, he was appointed Minister of the Guards (衛尉). Along with his younger sons, Ma Xiu (馬休) and Ma Tie (馬鐵), who were appointed as a Commandant of Equipage (奉車都尉) and a Commandant of Iron Cavalry (鐵騎都尉) respectively, His eldest son, Ma Chao, remained behind in Liang Province with Han Sui.[11]

Around early 211, as Cao Cao ordered Zhong Yao and Xiahou Yuan to pass throughout Guanzhong to attack Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. Ma Chao suspecting this to be a feint to invade Liang Province formed a coalition with Han Sui and other minor warlords in Liang and started a rebellion against the Han dynasty. While persuading Han Sui to join him, Ma Chao said, "[...] Now, I abandon my father, and I'm willing to acknowledge you as my father. You should also abandon your son, and treat me like your son."[12] Cao Cao defeated Ma Chao and his coalition at the Battle of Tong Pass in September 211. In June or July 212, Emperor Xian issued an imperial decree ordering the execution of Ma Teng and the rest of his family who were with him in Ye city at the time.[13][14]

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms

In the 14th-century historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Ma Teng is portrayed as a loyalist of the declining Han dynasty. He participates in a plot with Liu Bei and Dong Cheng to assassinate Cao Cao, who is depicted as a villain monopolising power and holding Emperor Xian hostage. However, the plot is unsuccessful and Ma Teng returns to Liang Province.

When Ma Teng is later recalled to the imperial capital Xuchang, he decides to again join a plot to assassinate Cao Cao, this time with Huang Kui (黄奎). However, the plot is discovered and he is executed along with his sons Ma Xiu (馬休) and Ma Tie (馬鐵). Upon hearing of the death of his father and brothers, Ma Chao becomes filled with rage and goes to war with Cao Cao to avenge his family, starting the Battle of Tong Pass.

Ma Teng is a warlord and playable character in the game Total War: Three Kingdoms.[15] Ma Teng also appears in the Dynasty Warriors games, specifically Dynasty Warriors 5, and Dynasty Warriors 9.

See also


  1. ^ According to Liu Xie's biography in Book of the Later Han, Ma Teng was executed on the guiwei day of the 5th month of the 17th year of the Jian'an era of his reign. However, there is no guiwei day in that month; the month corresponds to 17 Jun to 16 Jul 212 in the Julian calendar. [(建安)十七年夏五月癸未,诛卫尉马腾,夷三族。] Houhanshu vol. 09.


  1. ^ a b de Crespigny (2007), p. 650.
  2. ^ (《典略》曰:騰字壽成,馬援後也。桓帝時,其父字子碩,嘗為天水蘭幹尉。後失官,因留隴西,與羌錯居。家貧無妻,遂娶羌女,生騰。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 36.
  3. ^ (騰少貧無產業,常從彰山中斫材木,負販詣城市,以自供給。騰為人長八尺餘,身體洪大,面鼻雄異,而性賢厚,人多敬之。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 36.
  4. ^ (靈帝末,涼州刺史耿鄙任信奸吏,民王國等及氐、羌反叛。州郡募發民中有勇力者,欲討之,騰在募中。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 36.
  5. ^ (州郡異之,署為軍從事,典領部眾。討賊有功,拜軍司馬,後以功遷偏將軍,又遷征西將軍,常屯汧、隴之間。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 36.
  6. ^ (初平中,拜征東將軍。是時,西州少穀,騰自表軍人多乏,求就谷於池陽,遂移屯長平岸頭。而將王承等恐騰為己害,乃攻騰營。時騰近出無備,遂破走,西上。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 36.
  7. ^ (會三輔亂,不復來東,而與鎮西將軍韓遂結為異姓兄弟,始甚相親,後轉以部曲相侵入,更為讎敵。騰攻遂,遂走,合眾還攻騰,殺騰妻子,連兵不解。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 36.
  8. ^ (建安之初,國家綱紀殆弛,乃使司隸校尉鍾繇、涼州牧韋端和解之。徵騰還屯槐裏,轉拜為前將軍,假節,封槐裏侯。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 36.
  9. ^ (北備胡寇,東備白騎,待士進賢,矜救民命,三輔甚安愛之。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 36.
  10. ^ ( 太祖將征荊州,而騰等分據關中。太祖復遣旣喻騰等,令釋部曲求還。騰已許之而更猶豫,旣恐為變,乃移諸縣促儲偫,二千石郊迎。騰不得已,發東。。) Sanguozhi vol. 15.
  11. ^ (十(五)年,徵為衛尉,騰自見年老,遂入宿衛。...又拜超弟休奉車都尉,休弟鐵騎都尉,徙其家屬皆詣鄴,惟超獨留。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 36.
  12. ^ (及約還,超謂約曰:「前鍾司隸任超使取將軍,關東人不可複信也。今超棄父,以將軍為父,將軍亦當棄子,以超為子。」行諫約,不欲令與超合。約謂行曰:「今諸將不謀而同,似有天數。」乃東詣華陰。) Weilue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 15.
  13. ^ (超至安定,遂奔涼州。詔收滅超家屬。超復敗於隴上。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 36.
  14. ^ (十七年夏五月癸未,誅衞尉馬騰,夷三族。) Houhanshu vol. 9.
  15. ^ "Total War: THREE KINGDOMS Warlord Legends – Ma Teng". Total War. 2018-11-09. Archived from the original on January 28, 2023. Retrieved 2020-07-29.

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