Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China

Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China
Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China logo
Country/Region Hong Kong, China
HeadquartersSo Kon Po, Hong Kong
PresidentTimothy Fok Edit this at Wikidata

The Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會; in short SFOC, 港協暨奧委會) is the National Olympic Committee of Hong Kong. As such it is a separate member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It is also a member of the Olympic Council of Asia. The current president is Timothy Fok. The headquarters building is called the Hong Kong Olympic House, located beside Hong Kong Stadium.


Hong Kong at the
NOCSports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China
Summer appearances
Winter appearances

Before the handover of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China in 1997, the committee was called the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong and participated in 12 games (all summer) under the name "Hong Kong".

After the 1997 handover, Hong Kong became a special territory as a result of the earlier 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, which stipulates that, albeit being part of China, it enjoys a highly autonomous status. The Basic Law, its constitution, guarantees the territory's right to join international organisations and events independently (such as the Olympic Games) that are not restricted to sovereign states, under the new name "Hong Kong, China". If any of the Hong Kong athletes wins a medal in the Olympics, the Hong Kong flag is raised during the medal ceremony, but the national anthem of the People's Republic of China is played for any gold medalists.

With the government's support, the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee submitted Hong Kong's bid for hosting the 2006 Asian Games to the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) in 2000. Hong Kong lost the bid to Doha at the OCA general meeting held in Busan, South Korea on 12 November 2000.

At the 2008 Summer Olympics, the territory hosted the equestrian events.

Name inclusion: China

In January 2023, the SFOC told its member National Sports Associations (NSAs) that they must include the word "China" in their association names by July 2023, or else face expulsion from the SFOC, which could result in them losing government funding and their right to represent the city in major competitions.[1] Edgar Yang Joe-tsi of the SFOC cited Article 149 of the Basic Law as reason for the requirement.[1] However, Article 149 states that the phrase "Hong Kong, China" be used "as required," which member NSAs had understood to mean it was optional.[1] Yang also said "You are also reminded to use the name 'Hong Kong, China' when participating in any international sports competitions/activities and to display it on uniforms, websites and all other publicity materials, where applicable."[1]


The SF&OC and its member NSAs have been repeatedly cautioned throughout the years by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) against corruption and to implement better governance.


In December 2003, Legislative Council member Albert Chan asked the Secretary of Home Affairs, Patrick Ho, about NSAs and a perceived waste of taxpayer money, stating "Many national sports associations (NSAs) rely on public funding for operation and hosting sports events. However, some members of the public query some NSAs for their failure to make effective use of the funding to promote and develop sports events, resulting in a waste of public money."[2]

In June 2006, the LCSD and ICAC held a seminar, named "Striving for Good Corporate Governance" to brief more than 100 members of NSAs on ways prevent corruption.[3] The Deputy Director of the LCSD said that "As users of public funds, sports bodies must not only discharge their obligations under the Subvention Agreement but also conduct their business in a transparent, fair and open manner."[3]

In 2007, an investigation was conducted by the Ombudsman, who was concerned about whether the LCSD had appropriate mechanisms to monitor NSAs for conflict of interests.[4] The issue stemmed from a March 2006 complaint that the Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association (HKAAA) had awarded a contract to a company owned by the HKAAA's chairman.[4] Separately, in early 2007, the LCSD organized two workshops for NSAs on governance.[5]

In October 2009, the Audit Commission submitted a report to the Legislative Council, with recommendations to tighten up supervision of taxpayer funds to NSAs.[5]


In January 2010, the LCSD's Sports Commission wrote a policy named "Governance of National Sports Associations", outlining methods that the LCSD would take to further promote transparent governance from NSAs.[5] In November 2010, a newspaper published an open letter, which questioned the criteria used to select Roller sports athletes for the 2010 Asian Games.[6] The government responded that only the SF&OC and NSAs were responsible for selecting athletes, and that "While the Government respects the autonomy and independence of the SF&OC and NSAs, we nonetheless closely monitor the use of public money by these organisations to ensure that it is deployed effectively in promoting sports development."[6]

In 2011, the ICAC formulated the "Best Practice Reference for Governance of National Sports Associations - Towards Excellence in Sports Professional Development".[7] ICAC's goal was to enhance governance and transparency from NSAs.[8] Additionally, ICAC further mentioned that the report was for "Addressing public concern on the governance of national sports associations (NSAs)".[9] In 2020, the Audit Commission found that the SF&OC had yet to implement some of the best practices.[7]

In 2013, ICAC hosted another seminar with coaches from 33 NSAs, on the prevention of issues such as bribery and conflicts of interest.[10]

In February 2015, the Legislative Council released an 85-page research report on the SF&OC, which pointed out deficiencies, such as "NOCs in Hong Kong and Singapore have hitherto released limited publicly available information regarding their operations. While they have uploaded their respective constitution onto their websites, other relevant documents such as annual reports, balance sheets and statements of accounts are not available in the public domain. In comparison, NOCs in Australia, Japan and the US show a high degree of openness and transparency with proactive disclosure of relevant information for the public understanding and scrutiny of their operations."[11]

In 2015, a seminar was co-hosted between the SF&OC and the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), on eliminating sexual harassment in the sports sector.[12] However, three years later in 2018, it was revealed that only 10 of 79 NSAs had created guidelines against sexual harassment.[12] The chairman of the EOC stated that "We are disappointed to see many NSAs that have not produced such guidelines and policies".[12]

In August 2016, the Hong Kong Economic Journal released an article, accusing the SF&OC and Timothy Fok of various transgressions.[13] For example, it claimed Timothy Fok has power on all important subcommittees, including those which select athletes, and those which control finances.[13] In addition, it claimed that Timothy Fok appointed his son, Kenneth Fok, as vice-president, without transparency, and that Kenneth Fok has no record in any type of sporting achievement.[13]


In April 2020, the government's Audit Commission released a 141-page report after investigating the Olympic Committee, describing various failures with the SF&OC, including lax governance.[14] The Audit Commission noted that around half of SF&OC's 29 subcommittees had not met for two years.[14] Procurement rules were also not followed, including the SF&OC getting only single quotes from suppliers instead of tendering offers, causing a rising deficit of HK$33,000 in 2014-15 to HK$588,000 in 2018-19.[14]

Audit also accused SF&OC of having unclear criteria for selecting athletes for international competitions, including the selection of 11 of 17 athletes for the 2018 Asian Games based on criteria that was not previously given to their NSAs.[14] A month later, in May 2020, Legislative Council members questioned the Olympic Committee's governance, accusing the SF&OC of lacking transparency when selecting athletes for the 2018 Asian Games.[15] In particular, the legislators asked why the fastest swimmer was not selected to compete, with a slower swimmer selected instead.[15] In one conversation, legislator Abraham Razack asked "The Olympic Committee spends HK$20 million a year of public money but has it been fair to the athletes?"[15] SCMP noted that the Olympic Committee's total government funding was HK$38.9 million in 2018-19.[14]

In response, Baptist University's Professor Chung Pak-kwong, former chief executive of the Hong Kong Sports Institute, said that the SF&OC "has grown into an empire and transparency and accountability are not in their dictionary".[14] Furthermore, the SCMP released an editorial, agreeing with the Audit Commission and stating that the city's sports development was at risk.[16]

In July 2020, the Legislative Council's Public Accounts Committee criticized the Hong Kong Football Association under Timothy Fok, stating its governance was "appalling and inexcusable".[17] It noted that an internal audit committee, designed to review the association's use of taxpayer funding, was not active between 2015 and 2019, despite receiving HK$34 million in funding for the 2017-18 year.[17]

In October 2020, the Chief Secretary for Administration announced that the HAB would provide HK$5 million each year for 5 years (2020-21 to 2025-26) to SF&OC to review the operation and internal monitoring of all national sports association members, designed to review and audit their processes.[18]

In 2021, ICAC charged the vice chairman of the executive committee of the Hong Kong Basketball Association (HKBA) with disclosing an ICAC probe,[19] as well as a coach of the Hong Kong women's national handball team for faking timecard records.[20]

In August 2021, a triathlete who represented Hong Kong at the 2020 Summer Olympics stated that NSAs had enough funding, but were not doing enough to identify and develop top athletes to funnel them to the Hong Kong Sports Institute, causing about 90% of qualified triathletes to drop out of the sport.[21]

In September 2021, SCMP published an article which detailed multiple complaints against the Hong Kong Ice Hockey Association (HKIHA), from former coaches and players.[22] They accused the association of lacking transparency in corporate governance, as well as conflicts of interest between the chairman and the association, causing the development of the sport to be hampered.[22] Some of those interviewed claimed that they had been frustrated with the association from the 1990s, and that letters to the LCSD had gone ignored.[22]

In April 2022, the Hong Kong Basketball Association (HKBA) drew criticism from local basketball players, after local media reported that the HKBA had withdrawn from the 2025 FIBA Asia Cup and did not register a team to participate in the qualifiers; the HKBA claimed that there was a miscommunication issue.[23]

In September 2023, local media reported that 2 sports associations under the SF&OC had consistently failed to submit annual audited financial returns; the Hong Kong Weightlifting and Powerlifting Association, and the Hong Kong Tug of War Association.[24]

In October 2023, Bernard Chan wrote that "governing bodies must operate to the highest professional standards, with equally high standards of governance, accountability and transparency."[25]

In January 2024, a former Hong Kong elite Olympic coach moved to the UK because she said Hong Kong did not offer enough support for elite coaches, saying she was unpaid.[26]

In June 2024, the ex-head coach of Hong Kong football team, Jorn Andersen, said that Hong Kong Football Association receiving millions of taxpayer dollars every year made the HKFA have no motivation to improve, and said that the HKFA needed to be "more professional, from top to bottom," and did "not do enough" to improve the sport.[27] He also named Eric Fok as not taking enough action for the sport.[27]


Other National Olympic Committees, such as the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee, do not receive any taxpayer funding.[28] By contrast, the SF&OC receives 3 sources of government funding:[7]

  1. Arts and Sport Development Fund (Sports Portion) (ASDF)
  2. Home Affairs Bureau (HAB)'s funding
  3. Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)'s recurrent subvention

According to the Audit Commission, total government funding for 2018-19 was HK$38.9 million.[7] The HAB said that it will increase its funding from HK$20 million in 2019-20 to HK$40.6 million in 2020-21.[7]

An additional HK$5 million each year for 5 years (2020-21 to 2025-26) will go to the SF&OC to review the operation and internal monitoring of all national sports association members, designed to review and audit their processes.[18]


National anthem incidents

In November 2022, honorary secretary general Ronny Wong said that junior staff should not be allowed to play national anthems at competitions, after "Glory to Hong Kong" was played at a rugby match in South Korea.[29] Wong also said he found the mistake hard to believe and would not accept the explanation or apology from Asia Rugby, and said that South Korea should be banned from hosting similar events.[30][31] Wong also said that most of the Hong Kong team members were "foreigners".[31] After a second incident was revealed, Wong said that the SFOC would issue new guidelines on using the anthem and flag, and that the SFOC would instruct players to make gestures if the played anthem is incorrect.[32]

In March 2023, after another incident where Glory to Hong Kong was played, Pui Kwan-kay of the SF&OC said that the government should force Google to de-prioritize the song on its search results.[33] The SF&OC created a committee to investigate the Hong Kong Ice Hockey Association (HKIHA) after the incident, and said that the association may be kicked out of the Olympic Committee for failing to follow procedures to produce the correct anthem.[34] The HKIHA responded by saying that the SF&OC provided a faulty link to download the correct anthem, when the webpage was changed to English.[35] The HKIHA also said that the SF&OC was to blame, and said "We felt that the SF&OC personnel handling the matter hoped to prove that only the HKIHA was at fault, and did not treat SF&OC's role and responsibility in this incident seriously."[36]

In May 2023, the SF&OC told its member sports associations to boycott ceremonies if the event organizer does not let them verify the national anthem.[37]

Organizational structure


Only the members of SF&OC could send athletes to representing Hong Kong in multi-sports events organized by Asian Olympics Committee or IOC, such as Asian Games and Olympic Games. Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards also only accept those athletes by the member associations. Therefore, some famous sportsmen were unable to participate in the election.[38]

Member list

Latest update on 27 May 2018. Karatedo Federation of Hong Kong was temporarily suspended with effect from 8 June 2018.[39]

No. Organization Sport Year of establishment Year of acceptance
1 Victoria Recreation Club N/A 1849
2 South China Athletic Association N/A 1910
3 Chinese Young Men's Christian Association of Hong Kong N/A 1901
4 Hong Kong Association of Athletics Affiliates Athletics 1951
5 Hong Kong Fencing Association Fencing 1949
6 Gymnastics Association of Hong Kong Gymnastics 1965
7 Handball Association of Hong Kong Handball 1970
8 Hong Kong Rowing Association Rowing 1978
9 Hong Kong Amateur Swimming Association Swimming 1950
10 Hong Kong Weightlifting and Powerlifting Association Weightlifting, Powerlifting
11 Hong Kong Archery Association Archery 1972
12 Hong Kong Badminton Association Badminton 1934
13 Hong Kong Basketball Association Basketball
14 Hong Kong Boxing Association Boxing 1955
15 Hong Kong Canoe Union Canoeing
16 Hong Kong Cycling Association Cycling 1960
17 Hong Kong Football Association Football 1914
18 Hong Kong Hockey Association Hockey 1933
19 Hong Kong Equestrian Federation Equestrian 1973
20 Judo Association of Hong Kong Judo 1970
21 Hong Kong Volleyball Association Volleyball 1959
22 Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association Lawn bowls
23 Hong Kong Miniature Football Association Miniature football
24 Hong Kong Shooting Association Shooting 1994
25 Hong Kong Softball Association Softball 1937
26 Hong Kong Table Tennis Association Table tennis 1936
27 Hong Kong Tennis Association Tennis 1909
28 Hong Kong Sailing Federation Sailing 1962
29 Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress Bowling
30 Hong Kong Wushu Union Limited Wushu
31 Hong Kong Rugby Union Rugby union 1956
32 Hong Kong Squash Squash 1961
33 Hong Kong Triathlon Association Triathlon
34 Hong Kong Baseball Association Baseball 1992
35 Windsurfing Association of Hong Kong Windsurfing 1979
36 Karatedo Federation of Hong Kong Karate
37 Hong Kong Kendo Association Kendo
38 Hong Kong Little League Little League Baseball
39 Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation N/A 1997
40 Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association Paralympics
41 Hong Kong Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability Disabled sports
42 Hong Kong Chinese Martial Arts Dragon and Lion Dance Association Dragon dance & Lion dance
43 Hong Kong Taekwondo Association Taekwondo
44 Orienteering Association of Hong Kong Orienteering 1981
45 Hong Kong Ice Hockey Association Ice hockey 1983
46 Hong Kong Skating Union Skating 1980
47 University Sports Federation of Hong Kong N/A
48 Hong Kong Federation of Roller Sports Roller sports & Skateboarding
49 Cricket Hong Kong Cricket 1968
50 Hong Kong DanceSport Association Dancesport
51 Hong Kong Golf Association Golf 1968
52 Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union Climbing & Mountaineering
53 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Association Dragon boat 1991
54 Hong Kong Chinese Chess Association Chinese chess
55 Hong Kong Netball Association Netball
56 Hong Kong Shuttlecock Association Shuttlecock
57 Hong Kong Society for the Deaf N/A
58 Hong Kong Go Association Go 1982
59 Hong Kong Contract Bridge Association Contract bridge
60 Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong N/A
61 Hong Kong Underwater Association Underwater sports
62 Hong Kong Kart Club Kart racing
63 Hong Kong Bodybuilding and Fitness Association Bodybuilding
64 Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science N/A
65 Hong Kong Gateball Association Company Gateball
66 Hong Kong Paragliding Association Paragliding
67 Hong Kong Aviation Club Aviation 1982
68 Hong Kong Billiard Sports Control Council Billiard sports 1993
69 Hong Kong Ultimate Players Association Ultimate 1991
70 Hong Kong Life Saving Society Lifesaving
71 Hong Kong Water Ski Association Water skiing
72 Ski Association of Hong Kong Skiing 2003
73 Hong Kong Muay Thai Association Muay Thai 2002
74 Hong Kong Korfball Association Korfball
75 Hong Kong Woodball Association Woodball
76 Health Qigong Association of Hong Kong Qigong
77 Hong Kong Tug of War Association Tug of war
78 Hong Kong Lacrosse Association Lacrosse 1993
79 Hong Kong Automobile Association Motorsport 1918 2017[38]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d "Hong Kong sports groups told 'put China into your names or lose all funding'". South China Morning Post. 2023-01-09. Retrieved 2023-01-11.
  2. ^ "LCQ18: Funding for national sports association". Retrieved 2021-06-29.
  3. ^ a b "Sports bodies updated on corruption prevention". Retrieved 2021-06-29.
  4. ^ a b "Mechanism for Handling Conflict of Interests in Organisations Subvented by LCSD" (PDF).
  5. ^ a b c "Governance of National Sports Associations" (PDF).
  6. ^ a b "HAB's response on selection criteria of athletes". Retrieved 2021-06-30.
  7. ^ a b c d e "Audit Commission Executive Summary" (PDF). Hong Kong Audit Commission.
  8. ^ " - Categories - Law & Order - Governance guidelines issued to sports bodies". Retrieved 2021-06-29.
  10. ^ "Update". Retrieved 2021-06-29.
  11. ^ "Research Report - Olympic committees, sports federations and sports development in selected places" (PDF). Legislative Council Research Office.
  12. ^ a b c "Hong Kong sports bodies urged to create policies against sexual abuse". South China Morning Post. 2018-01-30. Retrieved 2022-04-25.
  13. ^ a b c "How a cabal controls Hong Kong's Olympic sports EJINSIGHT -". EJINSIGHT. Retrieved 2021-06-12.
  14. ^ a b c d e f "Watchdog pans Hong Kong Olympic Committee over spending, lack of meetings". South China Morning Post. 2020-04-29. Retrieved 2021-06-12.
  15. ^ a b c "Olympic chiefs slammed by lawmakers for lack of proper governance". South China Morning Post. 2020-05-25. Retrieved 2021-06-12.
  16. ^ "Hong Kong's sport bodies should lift their game". South China Morning Post. 2020-05-02. Retrieved 2021-06-12.
  17. ^ a b "Lawmakers cry foul over HKFA's management - RTHK". Retrieved 2021-07-19.
  18. ^ a b "LC: Speech by CS in presenting Government Minute in response to Report of Public Accounts Committee No. 74". Retrieved 2021-06-12.
  19. ^ "ICAC, HKSAR - Press Releases - Vice chairman of sports organisation charged with disclosing ICAC probe". Retrieved 2021-06-29.
  20. ^ "ICAC, HKSAR - Press Releases - Women's Handball Team coach admits conspiracy to defraud over training allowance". Retrieved 2021-06-29.
  21. ^ "Can Hong Kong nurture even more Olympic medallists? Experts aren't convinced". South China Morning Post. 2021-08-09. Retrieved 2021-08-09.
  22. ^ a b c "Why Hong Kong's ice hockey players are feeling shut out". South China Morning Post. 2021-09-12. Retrieved 2021-10-04.
  23. ^ Standard, The. "HK to cohost National Games". The Standard. Retrieved 2022-04-13.
  24. ^ "成立7年 舉重健力總會公司未向註冊處交報表 處方:未按時交可罰款 會方:格式問題被退回更正 - 20230918 - 要聞". 明報新聞網 - 每日明報 daily news (in Traditional Chinese). Retrieved 2023-09-18.
  25. ^ "Opinion: Hong Kong can lift athletes' game with more targeted funding". South China Morning Post. 2023-10-20. Retrieved 2023-10-23.
  26. ^ "Barred from pro sports, ex-Hong Kong athletes, coaches adjust to life in Britain". South China Morning Post. 2024-01-29. Retrieved 2024-02-18.
  27. ^ a b "Public cash means Hong Kong football lacks motivation to improve, says ex-coach". South China Morning Post. 2024-06-29. Retrieved 2024-07-03.
  28. ^ "How investment in sport has helped unite Hong Kong". South China Morning Post. 2021-08-13. Retrieved 2021-08-13.
  29. ^ "'Stop junior staff from playing national anthems' - RTHK". Retrieved 2022-11-16.
  30. ^ Standard, The. "Sports official calls for strong response over anthem "mistake"". The Standard. Retrieved 2022-11-16.
  31. ^ a b "'Hong Kong should complain to rugby world body, ban Korea over song blunder'". South China Morning Post. 2022-11-16. Retrieved 2022-11-16.
  32. ^ "Sports teams to get flag, anthem guidelines - RTHK". Retrieved 2022-11-21.
  33. ^ "Hong Kong must get Google to fix national anthem results problem: sports body". South China Morning Post. 2023-03-02. Retrieved 2023-03-06.
  34. ^ "Hong Kong Ice Hockey Association could face sanctions over anthem fiasco". South China Morning Post. 2023-03-10. Retrieved 2023-03-12.
  35. ^ "Hockey association blames Hong Kong's sports federation for causing anthem blunder". South China Morning Post. 2023-03-14. Retrieved 2023-03-14.
  36. ^ Chau, Candice (2023-04-06). "Punishing Hong Kong ice hockey association over anthem blunder would be unreasonable, says player". Hong Kong Free Press HKFP. Retrieved 2023-04-23.
  37. ^ Cheng, Mandy (2023-05-31). "Hong Kong sports teams told to boycott ceremonies if organiser refuses national anthem check under new guidelines". Hong Kong Free Press HKFP. Retrieved 2023-06-01.
  38. ^ a b "【賽車】香港汽車會終獲加入港協暨奧委會 伍家麒初嘗傑運提名". HK01. 2018-01-18. Retrieved 2018-05-27.
  39. ^ "本地體育總會". Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong. Retrieved 2018-05-27.

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City in Maryland, United StatesFrederick, MarylandCityDowntown Frederick's City Hall in 2022 SealNickname: The City of Clustered Spires[1]Motto: Join the Story![2]Location of Frederick in Frederick County, Maryland (left) and of Frederick County in Maryland (right)FrederickLocation of Frederick in MarylandShow map of MarylandFrederickFrederick (the United States)Show map of the United StatesCoordinates: 39°25′52″N 77°23′50″W / 39.43111°N 77.39…

MolainMolain Lokasi di Region Hauts-de-France Molain Koordinat: 50°01′54″N 3°32′07″E / 50.0317°N 3.5353°E / 50.0317; 3.5353NegaraPrancisRegionHauts-de-FranceDepartemenAisneArondisemenVervinsKantonWassignyAntarkomuneThiérache d'AumalePemerintahan • Wali kota (2008–2014) Marie-Christine CaronLuas • Land11,81 km2 (70 sq mi) • Populasi2149 • Kepadatan Populasi20,82/km2 (2,1/sq mi)Kode INSEE/pos…

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Period in Portuguese history after the Carnation Revolution This article relies largely or entirely on a single source. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources.Find sources: Portuguese transition to democracy – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (October 2022) Portugal's redemocratization process started with the Carnation Revolution of 1974. It ended with …

Literary movement in Bengali literature This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article's lead section contains information that is not included elsewhere in the article. If the information is appropriate for the lead of the article, this information should also be included in the body of the article. (April 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this message) This article needs ad…

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