Wikipedia talk:TWA/Portal


Welcome to the Interstellar Lounge and Cafe!

More funky, or… …less funky.
'Sit down, have a cup. While you're here something to muse on:'

Think about what an awesome trip you're on,
How many millions of people benefit from Wikipedia every day,
How marvelous it is that people all over the world have collaborated to create this unique resource,
How important sharing knowledge is,
How people working together over time can do amazing things.

Hope that was an inspiring musing. 😎-----😇 all to help u guys!

Get help


Need help with something in The Wikipedia Adventure?

What to do next


Tips for feedback


Tell us what you liked about it, where we could improve, and what you learned

How you can help
  • Play the game all the way through. Do you get stuck anywhere? Is anything unclear?
  • Finish the game if you only played a few missions: Give some attention to missions 5-7 (which have been tested much less)
  • Start over fresh with a new account: Like User:OcaasiTWA17 (these are legitimate alternate testing accounts and are not considered sockpuppets)
  • Try a different browser: If you used Safari, try Firefox (or Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera...)
  • Show the game to a friend or family member to see how they like it and if they get stuck anywhere
In your feedback, please include any of your thoughts on
  • text instructions within the game
  • graphic placement
  • bugs in the tour mechanics
  • your web browser
  • your screen resolution
  • which step of the tour you were on if something didn't work (see the step= in the url)
  • what you liked
  • what you didn't like
  • what you think would work better
  • your thoughts on the design: the theme, the guide, the characters, the colors, the images, the sounds
known bugs
  • Lingering Dialog Boxes: If you leave the tour without finishing, the guider dialog boxes will follow you until you [x] out of them (this is a Guided Tours issue generally and there's no easy fix) Example (phab:T122891)
  • Vector Only: If you're using monobook or modern etc., the layout won't work. Almost all new editors will be using Vector, so this is a known, acceptable trade-off (phab:T122891)
  • Mobile and Tablet Formatting Fails: While tested for most modern desktop and laptop browsers, the game is not configured to work properly on tablets and other smaller devices. It may, but we'd be getting lucky. (phab:T122892)
  • Doesn't scale to my preference of window size or scale symmetrically (ctrl 0/-/+). FF 25. (@start) (T122893)
  • There's no way to jump ahead if you are repeating steps or trying to get back to where you left off mid-mission. (phab:T122895)
  • The guided tour for edit summary dialog sometimes appears in weird places or isn't clickable for the VisualEditor version of the adventure (T368226)
  • "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" overlapping on some background pages Wikipedia:TWA/Background/3 (T365219)



Hello, I'm not able to play TWA. I'm stuck on the "Login or create an account" popup, and when I press any button, it shows a blue outline but doesn't redirect me anywhere. Yyeeetlol (talk) 14:20, 17 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240417142000","author":"Yyeeetlol","type":"comment","level":1,"id":"c-Yyeeetlol-20240417142000-Feedback","replies":["c-GoldRomean-20240503035700-Yyeeetlol-20240417142000","c-Theincredibleoctupus-20240812160200-Yyeeetlol-20240417142000"]}}-->

I have the same problem. GoldRomean (talk) 03:57, 3 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240503035700","author":"GoldRomean","type":"comment","level":2,"id":"c-GoldRomean-20240503035700-Yyeeetlol-20240417142000","replies":["c-Neko_Lexi-20240504233300-GoldRomean-20240503035700"]}}-->
Me too I can't click on the blue button Neko UwUshe/her 23:33, 4 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240504233300","author":"Neko Lexi","type":"comment","level":3,"id":"c-Neko_Lexi-20240504233300-GoldRomean-20240503035700","replies":["c-GoldRomean-20240504235700-Neko_Lexi-20240504233300"],"displayName":"Neko UwU"}}-->
@Ocaasi sorry to disturb you, because you're probably really busy, but we can't play TWA. As Yyeeetlol described, I can't press any white buttons; they just show blue outlines. I really want to play this reportedly awesome Wikipedia-learning game! Personally, I've tried 2 browsers (Chrome and Edge), as well as 2 different computers. I've also refreshed and attempted to play on different days. The funny thing is, I tried to play when I first made my account, too, and it worked fine (I just quit). Friendly people at Wikipedia Live Chat pointed me here; but the original message hasn't received a response for almost a week, so I was wondering if you could help. Thank you. Cheers, GoldRomean (talk) 23:57, 4 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240504235700","author":"GoldRomean","type":"comment","level":4,"id":"c-GoldRomean-20240504235700-Neko_Lexi-20240504233300","replies":["c-Pppery-20240505001900-GoldRomean-20240504235700"]}}-->
I did indeed miss the original message, but I saw your first "I have the same problem" but didn't reply not thinking I could say anything useful. Anyway, this issue is known about and has been filed on Phabricator as T364062. Given the way Wikipedia's software deployment system works, it will not be addressed until at least next Thursday, more likely the Thursday after next. * Pppery * it has begun... 00:19, 5 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240505001900","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":5,"id":"c-Pppery-20240505001900-GoldRomean-20240504235700","replies":["c-GoldRomean-20240505002100-Pppery-20240505001900","c-Pppery-20240505002500-Pppery-20240505001900"],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->
Ok, TYSM! I'll try again then. GoldRomean (talk) 00:21, 5 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240505002100","author":"GoldRomean","type":"comment","level":6,"id":"c-GoldRomean-20240505002100-Pppery-20240505001900","replies":[]}}-->
I've added a warning to the home page to make it clear that it's broken. * Pppery * it has begun... 00:25, 5 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240505002500","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":6,"id":"c-Pppery-20240505002500-Pppery-20240505001900","replies":["c-Pppery-20240512154700-Pppery-20240505002500","c-Pppery-20240513224500-Pppery-20240505002500"],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->
I can confirm this will indeed start working next Thursday (see WP:Bug reports and feature requests#Software deployment schedule for why this happens on Thursdays). * Pppery * it has begun... 15:47, 12 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240512154700","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":7,"id":"c-Pppery-20240512154700-Pppery-20240505002500","replies":[],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->
@GoldRomean and Yyeeetlol: This has now been fixed (sooner then I expected because someone decided to backport it rather than waiting for the standard deployment schedule). * Pppery * it has begun... 22:45, 13 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240513224500","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":7,"id":"c-Pppery-20240513224500-Pppery-20240505002500","replies":["c-Pppery-20240513224600-Pppery-20240513224500","c-GoldRomean-20240514172400-Pppery-20240513224500"],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->
Fix ping: RoyalSilver * Pppery * it has begun... 22:46, 13 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240513224600","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":8,"id":"c-Pppery-20240513224600-Pppery-20240513224500","replies":["c-RoyalSilver-20240514003100-Pppery-20240513224600"],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->
Thanks! RoyalSilver 00:31, 14 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240514003100","author":"RoyalSilver","type":"comment","level":9,"id":"c-RoyalSilver-20240514003100-Pppery-20240513224600","replies":["c-RoyalSilver-20240514003200-RoyalSilver-20240514003100"]}}-->
@Pppery forgot to ping RoyalSilver 00:32, 14 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240514003200","author":"RoyalSilver","type":"comment","level":10,"id":"c-RoyalSilver-20240514003200-RoyalSilver-20240514003100","replies":[]}}-->
Yay, I can play now! Tysm for your help. GoldRomean (talk) 17:24, 14 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240514172400","author":"GoldRomean","type":"comment","level":8,"id":"c-GoldRomean-20240514172400-Pppery-20240513224500","replies":[]}}-->
Yeah,that happened to me. I got out of it by clicking two times on empty space. Theincredibleoctupus (talk) 16:02, 12 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240812160200","author":"Theincredibleoctupus","type":"comment","level":2,"id":"c-Theincredibleoctupus-20240812160200-Yyeeetlol-20240417142000","replies":[]}}-->
__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONDESKTOP__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-Pppery-20240518033000","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-New_version_incoming-20240518033000","replies":["c-Pppery-20240518033000-New_version_incoming"],"text":"New version incoming","linkableTitle":"New version incoming"}-->

New version incoming

__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONMOBILE__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-Pppery-20240518033000","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-New_version_incoming-20240518033000","replies":["c-Pppery-20240518033000-New_version_incoming"],"text":"New version incoming","linkableTitle":"New version incoming"}-->

I've mostly finished a rewrite of the Wikipedia adventure to fix a bunch of bugs. Major changes include:

  1. Support both VisualEditor and the source editor.
  2. Send replies using DiscussionTools rather than the source editor.
  3. Don't send duplicate badges or talk messages - if a mission expects a page to not exist then overwrite its entire content if it does, otherwise append content only if it doesn't already exist, staying in the same frame.
  4. Messages now have proper timestamps and don't spew unused code (this part's already been deployed)
  5. Some general cleanup of wording etc.

Code is at MediaWiki:Guidedtour-tour-twa1sandbox.js through MediaWiki:Guidedtour-tour-twa7sandbox.js, but unfortunately it's difficult to test since internal links and such hardcode the name of the tour. What I did was add logic at User:Pppery (alt)/common.js to auto-load the sandbox version, but that workaround itself sometimes causes stray guiders to appear that shouldn't.

A few things are dependent on upstream patches to the GuidedTour code (i.e the "I'm logged in" screen should be auto-skipped but isn't pending gerrit:1031109, it generates a redundant back button for most steps pending gerrit:1031113, etc.), so it isn't ready to be deployed for a week or two.

It's also a known issue that when using VisualEditor the boxes occasionally appear in awkward places - VisualEditor's Javascript scrolling and GuidedTour don't always mix perfectly. I tried to put it in a reasonable place all the time, but I may have missed some. * Pppery * it has begun... 03:30, 18 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240518033000","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":1,"id":"c-Pppery-20240518033000-New_version_incoming","replies":["c-Pppery-20240613192200-Pppery-20240518033000"],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->

I decided to stop waiting for WMF's broken code review process to happen and instead work around the upstream issues. I intend to deploy this in a few days. * Pppery * it has begun... 19:22, 13 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240613192200","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":2,"id":"c-Pppery-20240613192200-Pppery-20240518033000","replies":["c-Pppery-20240618021200-Pppery-20240613192200"],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->
This is now live. * Pppery * it has begun... 02:12, 18 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240618021200","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":3,"id":"c-Pppery-20240618021200-Pppery-20240613192200","replies":[],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->
__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONDESKTOP__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-GoldRomean-20240519191500","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Feedback_2-20240519191500","replies":["c-GoldRomean-20240519191500-Feedback_2"],"text":"Feedback","linkableTitle":"Feedback 2"}-->


__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONMOBILE__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-GoldRomean-20240519191500","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Feedback_2-20240519191500","replies":["c-GoldRomean-20240519191500-Feedback_2"],"text":"Feedback","linkableTitle":"Feedback 2"}-->
What I liked

I liked how TWA covered most of Wikipedia's main points like NPOV and BEBOLD. It's a pretty simple tutorial for new editors.

What I didn't like

Many of the images I had to add to the Earth article didn't seem like images that would be on such an article on the real Wikipedia. This could be misleading. The whole game was also glitchy (for example, on many pages the "talk" "page history" etc. buttons were invisible, so I had to randomly click near the top to access it. Also, I know your progress "saves" after each "level" but I forgot what level I was on so had to start near the beginning.

What I wanted more of

You couldn't actually analyze the citations and had to guess their reliability by their titles. Also, the game provided the actual citation for you. I wanted to learn how to do that formatting myself.

What was unnecessary

The cool "space" design on every page, since it feels different than real Wikipedia.

Any other thoughts you want to share

It's a nice game. Thanks for making it. It's very glitchy, though. There were a few grammar errors.

--GoldRomean (talk) 19:15, 19 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240519191500","author":"GoldRomean","type":"comment","level":1,"id":"c-GoldRomean-20240519191500-Feedback_2","replies":["c-Pppery-20240520001500-GoldRomean-20240519191500"]}}-->

I've updated the images to ones more relevant to the specific sections they're in, which are either used on the real Earth article or a related one. The rewrite discussed above will teach you how to use an automatic tool to generate citations. I'm not sure what you mean re "talk" "page history" etc. buttons - I don't think you're ever told to click on such a button.
This game has no concept of progress per se - very little will break if you skip missions entirely other than leaving you confused.
If you can point to specific places where the grammar is awkward I would be happy to reword them. And thank you for playing, and sorry that it had so many rough edges. * Pppery * it has begun... 00:15, 20 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240520001500","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":2,"id":"c-Pppery-20240520001500-GoldRomean-20240519191500","replies":["c-GoldRomean-20240813035000-Pppery-20240520001500"],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->
Thanks for taking the time to look at my suggestions. I’ll go in in a couple of weeks and give some more specific examples and stuff. Cheers, GoldRomean (talk) 03:50, 13 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240813035000","author":"GoldRomean","type":"comment","level":3,"id":"c-GoldRomean-20240813035000-Pppery-20240520001500","replies":[]}}-->
__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONDESKTOP__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-Quote_Veteran-20240628095600","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Feedback_3-20240628095600","replies":["c-Quote_Veteran-20240628095600-Feedback_3"],"text":"Feedback","linkableTitle":"Feedback 3"}-->


__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONMOBILE__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-Quote_Veteran-20240628095600","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Feedback_3-20240628095600","replies":["c-Quote_Veteran-20240628095600-Feedback_3"],"text":"Feedback","linkableTitle":"Feedback 3"}-->
What I liked

It was straightforward and easy to understand.

What I didn't like

It was a bit too simple to be honest, a lot of it felt like a children's game. But I guess there are Wikipedia editors of all ages so that's alright. It broke in some sections so I had to go back to where I started for some missions. Also the page for my Earth didn't show up properly I think.

What I wanted more of

More missions.

What was unnecessary

I think it would be better for us to find a page we are actually interested in and get guidance there.

Any other thoughts you want to share


--Quote Veteran (talk) 09:56, 28 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240628095600","author":"Quote Veteran","type":"comment","level":1,"id":"c-Quote_Veteran-20240628095600-Feedback_3","replies":[]}}-->

__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONDESKTOP__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-KMarrs1722-20240810111200","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Feedback_4-20240810111200","replies":["c-KMarrs1722-20240810111200-Feedback_4"],"text":"Feedback","linkableTitle":"Feedback 4"}-->


__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONMOBILE__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-KMarrs1722-20240810111200","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Feedback_4-20240810111200","replies":["c-KMarrs1722-20240810111200-Feedback_4"],"text":"Feedback","linkableTitle":"Feedback 4"}-->
What I liked

... I like the interactive and progressive nature of the modules. It's allows for the building of knowledge and confidence in a step-by-step fashion.

What I didn't like


What I wanted more of

... I wanted more modules in citations.

What was unnecessary

... N/A

Any other thoughts you want to share

... I was disappointed that I wasn't able to collect the last badge for some reason.

--KMarrs1722 (talk) 11:12, 10 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240810111200","author":"KMarrs1722","type":"comment","level":1,"id":"c-KMarrs1722-20240810111200-Feedback_4","replies":["c-Pppery-20240810114000-KMarrs1722-20240810111200"]}}-->

There is no "last badge". There are only 15 badges. * Pppery * it has begun... 11:40, 10 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240810114000","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":2,"id":"c-Pppery-20240810114000-KMarrs1722-20240810111200","replies":[],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->
__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONDESKTOP__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-ScarletViolet-20240830023400","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Feedback_5-20240830023400","replies":["c-ScarletViolet-20240830023400-Feedback_5"],"text":"Feedback","linkableTitle":"Feedback 5"}-->


__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONMOBILE__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-ScarletViolet-20240830023400","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Feedback_5-20240830023400","replies":["c-ScarletViolet-20240830023400-Feedback_5"],"text":"Feedback","linkableTitle":"Feedback 5"}-->
What I liked

It was straightforward and easy to understand.

What I didn't like


What I wanted more of

More missions.

What was unnecessary


Any other thoughts you want to share

There are only two bad things. First of all, there is a bug when I message the talk page, I have to move up the next step in order to pass. Last, I only got 14 out of 15 badges.

--ScarletViolet tc 02:34, 30 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240830023400","author":"ScarletViolet","type":"comment","level":1,"id":"c-ScarletViolet-20240830023400-Feedback_5","replies":["c-Pppery-20240830035100-ScarletViolet-20240830023400"]}}-->

Thank you for playing. I have no idea why you didn't get the verifiability badge when you should have, and probably won't ever be able to figure out. * Pppery * it has begun... 03:51, 30 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240830035100","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":2,"id":"c-Pppery-20240830035100-ScarletViolet-20240830023400","replies":[],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->




hi i am stuck on mission2 step=5 this part Write your reply

Click REPLY so you can leave your message to Will but i have done that see here Half-kratos21 Half-kratos21 (talk) 07:02, 3 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240903070200","author":"Half-kratos21","type":"comment","level":1,"id":"c-Half-kratos21-20240903070200-bug?","replies":["c-Pppery-20240903151200-Half-kratos21-20240903070200"]}}-->

Bizarre. Anyway, you can skip that step and continue the tour here. * Pppery * it has begun... 15:12, 3 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240903151200","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":2,"id":"c-Pppery-20240903151200-Half-kratos21-20240903070200","replies":[],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->
__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONDESKTOP__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-That_Argentinian_on_da'_corner-20240904205500","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Feedback_6-20240904205500","replies":["c-That_Argentinian_on_da'_corner-20240904205500-Feedback_6"],"text":"Feedback","linkableTitle":"Feedback 6"}-->


__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONMOBILE__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-That_Argentinian_on_da'_corner-20240904205500","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Feedback_6-20240904205500","replies":["c-That_Argentinian_on_da'_corner-20240904205500-Feedback_6"],"text":"Feedback","linkableTitle":"Feedback 6"}-->
What I liked
This game was entertaining and I really loved it. It teaches children well what Wikipedia is like and this can easily be shown to a school so that the students of said school can play this. Awesome.
What I didn't like
Nothing really?
What I wanted more of
If I were a bit more realistic, instead of creating an automatic user subpage for this game about the Earth, I would say that it would be a topic that you choose, because I don't know, if not, it's too fixed.
What was unnecessary
It was really unnecessary to have the user interact with fake users, as children might misinterpret that these are NPCs or real users, and both interpretations could lead them to misconceptions about Wikipedian' culture.
Any other thoughts you want to share
Nothing, I just wish there was some sort of sequel, or new quests, or something like events, but I understand this is aimed especially at our young Wikipedia editors :) --That Argentinian on da' corner (talk) 20:55, 4 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240904205500","author":"That Argentinian on da' corner","type":"comment","level":1,"id":"c-That_Argentinian_on_da'_corner-20240904205500-Feedback_6","replies":["c-Pppery-20240904210400-That_Argentinian_on_da'_corner-20240904205500"]}}-->
Thank you for playing. The topic choice is an interesting idea, but it would be effectively writing the adventure several times over so it's unlikely anyone will actually set that up. The point of the fake users is to provide an example of how real Wikipedians like myself behave, so I see how the second misconception is a misconception at all. And communication is so essential to Wikipedia that it really does need to be demonstrated here. * Pppery * it has begun... 21:04, 4 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"20240904210400","author":"Pppery","type":"comment","level":2,"id":"c-Pppery-20240904210400-That_Argentinian_on_da'_corner-20240904205500","replies":[],"displayName":"* Pppery *"}}-->

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Belgian politician Marie ArenaMEPArena in 2018Member of the European ParliamentIncumbentAssumed office 1 July 2014ConstituencyBelgiumMinister-President of the French CommunityIn office19 July 2004 – 20 March 2008Preceded byHervé HasquinSucceeded byRudy Demotte Personal detailsBorn (1966-12-17) 17 December 1966 (age 57)Mons, BelgiumPolitical party BelgianSocialist Party EUParty of European Socialists Marie Arena (born 17 December 1966) is a Belgian politician who ha…

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Armagnac. Armagnac(oc) Armanhac Blason des comtes d'Armagnac L'Armagnac dans ses limites du XVIIIe siècle et les communes et départements actuels. Les pays internes et les dépendances sont indiqués.Informations générales Statut Ancienne circonscription de la province de Gascogne Capitale Auch Langue(s) Français, occitan (gascon) Entités précédentes : Auscii et ElusatesGaule aquitaineDuché de GascogneComté de FezensacComté d'Armagnac E…

الخطوط الملكية المغربية     إياتاAT إيكاوRAM رمز النداءRoyal air Maroc تاريخ الإنشاء 1957 الجنسية المغرب  المطارات الرئيسية مطار محمد الخامس الدولي مدن التركيز مطار باريس أورلي مطار مراكش المنارة الدولي مطار طنجة ابن بطوطة الدولي مطار أكادير المسيرة الدولي مطار العيون الحسن ا…

Model 80 Canuck Fleet Canuck on straight skis Role TrainerType of aircraft Manufacturer Fleet Aircraft of Canada Designer J. Omer (Bob) Noury First flight 26 September 1945, Noury N-75 prototype flew in 1944 Introduction 1946 Status Production completed in 1958 Number built 225 (including one prototype) The Fleet Model 80 Canuck is a Canadian light aircraft featuring two seats in side-by-side configuration. The Canuck was designed for the flight training, personal use and light commercial roles.…

Species of flowering plant Coastal ragwort Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Clade: Tracheophytes Clade: Angiosperms Clade: Eudicots Clade: Asterids Order: Asterales Family: Asteraceae Genus: Senecio Species: S. leucanthemifolius Binomial name Senecio leucanthemifoliusPoir. Native range of S. leucanthemifolius. Synonyms[1][2][3] Senecio apulus Ten. Senecio caroli-malyi Horvatić Senecio crassifolius Willd. Senecio cyrenaicus (E.A.Durand & Barratte) Borz…

Religion in ancient Greece Aegeus at right consults the Pythia or oracle of Delphi. Vase, 440–430 BCE. He was told Do not loosen the bulging mouth of the wineskin until you have reached the height of Athens, lest you die of grief, which at first he did not understand. Part of a series onAncient Greek religion Origins Ancient Greek religion Mycenaean Greece, Mycenaean religion and Mycenaean deities Minoan Civilization, Minoan religion Classical Greece Hellenistic Greece, Hellenistic religion Sa…

  كالزادا دي كالاترافا (بالإسبانية: Calzada de Calatrava)‏[1]   - بلدية -    كالزادا دي كالاترافا كالزادا دي كالاترافا تقسيم إداري البلد إسبانيا  [2] المقاطعة مقاطعة ثيوداد ريال خصائص جغرافية إحداثيات 38°42′14″N 3°46′35″W / 38.703888888889°N 3.7763888888889°W / 38.703888…

Hong Kong trade union and political party Not to be confused with the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (March 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Hong…


  此條目介紹的是拉丁字母中的第2个字母。关于其他用法,请见「B (消歧义)」。   提示:此条目页的主题不是希腊字母Β、西里尔字母В、Б、Ъ、Ь或德语字母ẞ、ß。 BB b(见下)用法書寫系統拉丁字母英文字母ISO基本拉丁字母(英语:ISO basic Latin alphabet)类型全音素文字相关所属語言拉丁语读音方法 [b][p][ɓ](适应变体)Unicode编码U+0042, U+0062字母顺位2数值 2歷史發展…

Dalam nama yang mengikuti kebiasaan penamaan Slavia Timur ini, patronimiknya adalah Blagoev dan nama keluarganya adalah Nikolov. Dimitar BlagoevLahir(1856-06-14)14 Juni 1856Zagorichani, Kekaisaran UtsmaniyahMeninggal7 Mei 1924(1924-05-07) (umur 67)Sofia, BulgariaAlmamaterSPbUPekerjaanPolitikusPartai politikPartai Sosial Demokrat Buruh Bulgaria Partai Komunis BulgariaSuami/istriVela Blagoeva Dimitar Blagoev Nikolov (bahasa Bulgaria: Димитър Благоев Николов, bahas…

First Roman emperor from 27 BC to AD 14 This article is about the first Roman emperor. For other uses, see Augustus (title), Augustus (disambiguation), and Octavian (disambiguation). AugustusPrincepsAugustus of Prima Porta, 1st centuryRoman emperorReign16 January 27 BC – 19 August AD 14SuccessorTiberiusBornGaius Octavius23 September 63 BCRome, ItalyDied19 August AD 14 (aged 75)Nola, ItalyBurialMausoleum of Augustus, RomeSpousesClaudia(m. 42 BC; div. 40 BC)Scribonia(m. 40 BC; di…

Major League Baseball season Major League Baseball team season 2021 Baltimore OriolesLeagueAmerican LeagueDivisionEastBallparkOriole Park at Camden YardsCityBaltimore, MarylandRecord52–110 (.321)Divisional place5thOwnersPeter AngelosGeneral managersMike EliasManagersBrandon HydeTelevisionMASN(Scott Garceau, Ben McDonald, Jim Palmer)RadioWJZ-FMBaltimore Orioles Radio Network(Kevin Brown, Geoff Arnold, Brett Hollander, Melanie Newman) ← 2020 Seasons 2022 → The 2021 Bal…

Questa voce o sezione deve essere rivista e aggiornata appena possibile. Sembra infatti che questa voce contenga informazioni superate e/o obsolete. Se puoi, contribuisci ad aggiornarla. Voce principale: Ravenna Football Club 1913. Ravenna Football Club 1913Stagione 2020-2021Sport calcio Squadra Ravenna Allenatore Giuseppe Magi (1ª-11ª) Leonardo Colucci (12ª-) All. in seconda Fabio Bruscaroli Presidente Alessandro Brunelli Serie C18º posto. Retrocesso in Serie D Miglior marcatoreCampion…

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Alton. Ne doit pas être confondu avec John Altoon. John Alton De g. à d. : Allan Dwan (réalisateur), Arlene Dahl et John Alton, sur le tournage de Deux rouquines dans la bagarre (1956, photo promotionnelle) Données clés Nom de naissance Johann Jacob Altmann Naissance 5 octobre 1901Sopron, Hongrie(alors en Autriche-Hongrie) Nationalité Américaine Décès 2 juin 1996 (à 94 ans)Santa MonicaCalifornie, États-Unis Profession Directeur de la photogr…

Hubungan Israel–Myanmar Israel Myanmar Hubungan Israel dengan Myanmar merujuk kepada hubungan bilateral antara Israel dan Myanmar. Dua negara tersebut mendirikan hubungan diplomatik pada 1953.[1] Israel memiliki sebuah kedutaan besar di Yangon, dan Myanmar memiliki sebuah kedutaan besar di Tel Aviv. Negara Yahudi tersebut memiliki hubungan pertemanan jangka panjang dengan Myanmar, yang menjadikannya salah satu negara pertama di Asia yang mengakui kemerdekaan Israel dan mendirikan hubun…

Komisi Ekonomi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa untuk Eropa DataTipeorganisasi internasional organization established by the United Nations Sejak28 Maret 1947Tata kelola perusahaan Kantor pusat Jenewa Organisasi indukDewan Ekonomi dan Sosial Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Situs Sunting di Wikidata • L • B Komisi Ekonomi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa untuk Eropa (ECE) adalah salah satu dari lima komisi regional di bawah yurisdiksi Dewan Ekonomi dan Sosial Perserikatan Bangsa-Ban…

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