The lion is known as the king of the jungle. But is it true that the lion most deserving of the title of the real king of the jungle? As we know, lions and tigers are two wild animals that have a ferocious and muscular physique. In the realm of liars, these two animals occupy the top position as predators on the food chain. Thanks to their stature, lions and tigers are often symbolized as the kings of the jungle.

So, who is the real king of the jungle? lion or tiger?

Launching from the page, to find out who the real king of the jungle is, we need to look at various factors such as size, behavior and speed.


Tigers reach a length of 2.7 to 3.3 meters and can weigh up to 325 kilograms. But for the Siberian tiger, it can weigh up to 360 kilograms.

Meanwhile, male lions only weigh 160 to 190 kilograms and are about 2.9 meters long. However, for lions in Africa, the weight ranges from 145 to 205 kilograms.


Tigers have stronger legs and are more agile than lions. Lions are known to be lazy and tend to be aggressive only when attacking prey or defending their territory.


Judging from its speed, this lion has a maximum speed of up to 80 km/hour. But that speed can only be maintained in a relatively short time.

However, because lions are used to hunting in groups, lions can take advantage of this deficiency by cooperating with other lions.

Therefore, lions prefer to approach their prey slowly and immediately ambush it. And if the prey had time to run, it was the turn of the other lions to ambush it.

Just like lions, tigers also have a maximum speed of up to 80 km/hour in a short time.
But as a solitary hunter, tigers can jump high using their hind legs, have a keen sense of sight even in the dark, and can use claws as additional weapons.

If you look at these 3 factors, it is clear that the tiger is physically stronger. But to get the title of king of the jungle, the lion is the most deserving.
Quoting Wild Animal Central, the lion is considered more worthy of being the king of the jungle because lions live in groups and their survival depends on political ability and adapting to their group. Meanwhile, the tiger lives alone and for himself.

In other words, a tiger just needs to be good at doing things for itself in order to live. Meanwhile, lions, besides having to be good at their skills, also have to survive group efforts and political maneuvers in their flock.

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