ISO/IEC 11179 Object identifier Object Process Methodology Meta-Object Facility List of ISO standards 18000–19999 ISO/IEEE 11073 Digital object identifier ISO base media file format ISO 3864 ISO/IEC 14443 ISO 3103 ISO 128 ISO 22381 ISO/TC 292 CHILL ISO/IEC 6523 ISO/IEC 19788 ISO/IEC 24744 ISO 10303 ISO 12006 Object Pascal List of ISO standards 10000–11999 1947 Iso-Heikkilä MPEG-4 Data and object carousel ISO/IEC JTC 1 ISO 639-3 ISO 15926 ISO/TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics C++ ISO 9241 ISO/TS 80004 ISO 15926 WIP ISO 22380 Object Management Group List of ISO standards 8000–9999 MPEG-4 Part 3 List of ISO standards 26000–27999 List of ISO standards 12000–13999 ISO 22382 ISO 999 I…

ISO 22300 PHIGS ISO 704 ISO 7010 ISO 17800 Object–relational impedance mismatch List of ISO standards 28000–29999 List of ISO standards 22000–23999 ISO 10303-21 MPEG-D List of ISO standards 14000–15999 ISO/IEC 27040 ISO/IEC 7816 Manufacturing Message Specification ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 Iso-Heikkilä Observatory ISO/IEEE 11073 Personal Health Data Standards List of ISO standards 24000–25999 ISLISP ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 ISO/IEC 20248 List of ISO standards 30000–99999 List of ISO standards 20000–

21999 ISO 10303-22 Geography Markup Language ISO 8000 List of ISO standards 16000–17999 Lexical Markup Framework Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects Computer Graphics Metafile Object-oriented analysis and design Picture Transfer Protocol ISO 7001 MP4 file format ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Simple Features Pascal (programming language) MPEG Surround List of ISO standards 3000–4999 ISO 26262 MPEG-21 Process Specification Language Universal Coded Character Set ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 System of concepts to support continuity of care Verb–object–subject word order MPEG-4 Pa

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