Object Object database Object storage Object (computer science) Object-oriented programming Object lifetime Mock object Object (grammar) Object–relational mapping Object REXX Object manipulation Object-based language Mathematical object Outline of object recognition Object Desktop Object composition Object-oriented analysis and design Object Manager (Windows) Object-capability model Object relations theory Detached object Initial and terminal objects Immutable object Trans-Neptunian object Object recognition (cognitive science) Physical object Astronomical object Comfort object Object–relational database Herbigâ…

–Haro object Object model Object Linking and Embedding BL Lacertae object Object of the mind Becklin–Neugebauer Object Object resurrection Object permanence 3D object recognition Distributed object Object–action interface Subject–object–verb word order Object Process Methodology Object-modeling technique Sakurai's Object Object file Hidden object game Null object pattern Live distributed object Object–role modeling Heavy Object Deep-sky object Subject–verb–object word order Verb–subject

–object word order Object–relational impedance mismatch Object pool pattern Verb–object–subject word order Extreme trans-Neptunian object Substellar object Object–verb–subject word order Data transfer object Learning object Object–subject–verb word order Fat object Object code Plain old Java object Object-modeling language God object Thorne–Żytkow object Object Pascal An Object Value object The Journal of Object Technology The Object (novel) Object copying Object-oriented ontology Object-oriented user interface Messier object Object detection Foreign object Meta-Object Facility Dual

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