Sailing at the 1960 Summer Olympics – Finn

at the Games of the XVII Olympiad
Olympic Configuration 1960
Competitors35 from 35 nations
1st place, gold medalist(s) Paul Elvstrøm  Denmark
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Aleksander Tšutšelov  Soviet Union
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) André Nelis  Belgium
← 1956
1964 →

The Finn was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1960 Summer Olympics program in Naples. Seven races were scheduled. 35 sailors, on 35 boats, from 35 nations competed.[1]


Helmsman (Country) Hull
Sail No.
Race I Race II Race III Race IV Race V Race VI Race VII Total
Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points
1st place, gold medalist(s)  Paul Elvstrøm  (DEN) 167 1 1645 5 946 1 1645 2 1344 5 946 1 1645 DNS 0 8171 8171
2nd place, silver medalist(s)  Aleksander Tšutšelov  (URS) 163 7 800 1 1645 2 1344 10 645 17 415 2 1344 8 742 6935 6520
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)  André Nelis  (BEL) 145 2 1344 2 1344 12 566 24 265 3 1168 15 469 4 1043 6199 5934
4  Ronald Jenyns  (AUS) 148 6 867 6 867 DNF 101 6 867 2 1344 3 1168 10 645 5859 5758
5  Reinaldo Conrad  (BRA) 165 15 469 3 1168 10 645 1 1645 10 645 18 390 11 604 5566 5176
6  Ralph Roberts  (NZL) 147 16 441 DSQ 0 6 867 8 742 7 800 5 946 2 1344 5140 5140
7  Ian Bruce  (CAN) 152 3 1168 8 742 DNF 101 7 800 25 247 13 531 1 1645 5234 5133
8  Kenneth H. E. Albury  (BAH) 144 12 566 29 183 11 604 5 946 1 1645 7 800 13 531 5275 5092
9  Yves-Louis Pinaud  (FRA) 142 5 946 7 800 5 946 12 566 DSQ 0 4 1043 22 303 4604 4604
10  Ante Pivčević  (YUG) 159 4 1043 14 499 3 1168 17 415 19 366 6 867 21 323 4681 4358
11  Peter Jones Barrett  (USA) 153 DNF 101 17 415 7 800 11 604 6 867 20 344 5 946 4077 3976
12  Vernon Stratton  (GBR) 166 8 742 4 1043 15 469 16 441 13 531 10 645 23 283 4154 3871
13  Per Jordbakke  (NOR) 168 DNF 101 16 441 18 390 9 691 9 691 8 742 6 867 3923 3822
14  Bruno Trani  (ITA) 154 9 691 9 691 17 415 27 214 8 742 DNF 101 7 800 3654 3553
15  Hélder d'Oliveira  (POR) 155 11 604 10 645 8 742 29 183 14 499 14 499 14 499 3671 3488
16  Jouko Valli  (FIN) 169 14 499 26 230 DNF 101 18 390 12 566 12 566 3 1168 3520 3419
17  Hans-Peter Fürst  (AUT) 173 19 366 12 566 13 531 4 1043 11 604 22 303 28 198 3611 3413
18  John Somers Payne  (IRL) 175 26 230 18 390 14 499 13 531 4 1043 24 265 16 441 3399 3169
19  Ricardo Boneo  (ARG) 180 21 323 15 469 9 691 3 1168 22 303 DSQ 0 DNS 0 2954 2954
20  Hans Kämmerer  (EUA) 156 10 645 25 247 16 441 25 247 18 390 21 323 9 691 2984 2737
21  Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba Larios  (ESP) 161 22 303 DNF 101 4 1043 22 303 21 323 17 415 30 168 2656 2555
22  Ioannis Karyofyllis  (GRE) 143 20 344 11 604 DSQ 0 15 469 24 265 9 691 32 140 2513 2513
23  Yasuo Hozumi  (JPN) 171 28 198 13 531 20 344 14 499 15 469 29 183 24 265 2489 2306
24  Hans Sleeswijk  (NED) 170 13 531 20 344 24 265 32 140 20 344 19 366 17 415 2405 2265
25  Kálmán Tolnai  (HUN) 150 17 415 28 198 25 247 19 366 27 214 11 604 27 214 2258 2060
26  Louis Schiess  (SUI) 146 24 265 22 303 21 323 26 230 16 441 23 283 29 183 2028 1845
27  Ersin Demir  (TUR) 160 18 390 27 214 23 283 31 154 23 283 25 247 19 366 1937 1783
28  Thore Göran Andersson  (SWE) 172 DNF 101 30 168 22 303 23 283 30 168 26 230 12 566 1819 1718
29  Daniel Mackenzie  (KEN) 149 25 247 21 323 26 230 28 198 34 114 16 441 25 247 1800 1686
30  u Maung Maung Lwin  (BIR) 164 27 214 23 283 30 168 34 114 31 154 30 168 15 469 1570 1456
31  El-Moustafa Haddad  (MAR) 151 30 168 19 366 28 198 30 168 33 127 28 198 20 344 1569 1442
32  Brownlow Gray  (BER) 141 29 183 DNF 101 29 183 21 323 32 140 27 214 18 390 1534 1433
33  Gordon Burn-Wood  (RSA) 162 23 283 31 154 19 366 33 127 26 230 31 154 26 230 1544 1417
34  Alfred Borda  (MLT) 158 31 154 24 265 27 214 20 344 29 183 DNF 101 31 154 1415 1314
35  Pierre Arbaji  (LIB) 157 32 140 32 140 31 154 35 101 28 198 DNF 101 DNS 0 834 834

DNF = Did Not Finish, DNS= Did Not Start, DSQ = Disqualified
= Male, = Female

Daily standings

Graph showing the daily standings in the Finn during the 1960 Summer Olympics

Conditions at Naples

Of the total of three race areas were needed during the Olympics in Naples. Each of the classes was using the same scoring system. The Northern course was used for the Finn.

Date Race Sea Wind direction Wind speed (m/s)
29 August 1960 I Calm SSW 4-5
30 August 1960 II Calm SW 3
31 August 1960 III Slightly rough W 6-8
1 September 1960 IV Calm SW 3-4
5 September 1960 V Calm SSW 6.5-7
6 September 1960 VI Sea force two WSW 7
7 September 1960 VII Sea force 1.5 SW 6.5-7


  1. ^ "Sailing at the 1960 Summer Olympics: One Person Dinghy (Finn), Open". Olympedia. Retrieved 4 June 2020.
  2. ^ The 1960 Olympic scoring system was used.
  3. ^ Total after applying discard.


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