Ukrainian karbovanets

Ukrainian karbovanets
український карбованець (Ukrainian)
1 karbovanets1,000,000 karbovantsiv
ISO 4217
Pluralkarbovantsi (nom. pl.), karbovantsiv (gen. pl.)
1100kopiyka (копійка)
 kopiyka (копійка)kopiyky (nom. pl.), kopiyok (gen. pl.)
Banknotes1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10 000, 20 000, 50 000, 100 000, 200 000, 500 000, 1 000 000 karbovantsiv
User(s)Ukraine Ukrainian People's Republic (1st)
Nazi Germany Reichskommissariat Ukraine (2nd)
 Ukraine (3rd)
Central bankNational Bank of Ukraine
This infobox shows the latest status before this currency was rendered obsolete.

The karbovanets or karbovanet (Ukrainian: карбованець, romanizedkarbovanets, plural: карбованці, karbovantsi for 2–4, or карбованців, karbovantsiv for 5 or more), also known as kupon (купон, plural: купони, kupony) or coupon, have been a distinct unit of currency in Ukraine during three separate periods of the 20th century. It is also a predecessor currency of today's Ukrainian hryvnia. The karbovanets were subdivided into one hundred kopiykas, but no denominations in kopiykas have ever been issued.

In the ISO 4217 standard, the official name is spelled as karbovanet,[1][2] while the English version of the National Bank of Ukraine's website refers to it as karbovanets.[3]


First karbovanets (1917–1920)

Ukrainian Central Rada (1917–1918)

In March 1917 in Kyiv, some political parties formed the Central Rada, which proclaimed on 20 November 1917, the foundation of the Ukrainian People's Republic. In December 19 of the same year, a temporary law about the issue of state banknotes by the UPR was adopted. According to this law: "Banknotes must be issued in karbovanets" (Ukrainian: карбованець). Each karbovanets contains 17.424 parts of pure gold and is divided into two hryvnias (Ukrainian: гривня) or 200 shahs (Ukrainian: шаг).

The etymology of the name "karbovanets" is debatable: by one supposition, it originated in Ukraine from the ancient primitive way to carve (karbuvaty, Ukrainian: карбувати) numbers of calculations on a rod, and by another supposition, from the carving (incision) on a rim of a metal rouble.

1917 100-karbovanets banknote, obverse

On 5 January 1918, the first Ukrainian banknote with a value of 100 karbovanets was issued. The trident depicted on the banknote was proclaimed as a National Emblem of the UPR on 25 February 1918. On all of the issued banknotes, it stated only one series, "AД" and only one number, 185.

On 20 September 1918, the Central Rada proclaimed the issue of banknotes of the State Treasure in denominations of 5, 10, 25, and 50 karbovanets to be valid until 1 March 1924. On 6 April, the 25-karbovanets banknotes and 50 karbovanets banknotes later appeared, but the 5- and 10-karbovanets banknotes were not released. This series of banknotes was issued without designation of series and number. In subsequent issues, the series indicated the place of printing: AK (Kyiv) and AO (Odesa). After the occupation of Odesa by military units of Denikin's Army in 1919, the printing house of Odesa continued printing banknotes of 50 karbovanets. The Ukrainian Government proclaimed money issued by the Denikinists to be false (series AO, numbers 210 and above).

In 1920, the Government of Ukraine printed some dozens of millions of banknotes for temporary use by the Revolutionary Committee in Western Ukraine. This issue of series AO had numbers from 236 to 250. The next release by the Central Rada (Parliament of Ukraine) was issued on 19 April 1918 and included denominations of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 shahs. The term "shah" is borrowed by the Central Rada from the ancient name of small coins (change) from as long ago as the 16th century. Shahs were printed in Kyiv in sheets of 100, perforated in order to simplify tearing off separate banknotes. Shahs were in circulation until March 1919, when they were abolished by the Soviets. There are many existing banknotes of this value.

Ukrainian State Government (1918)

The Congress of Free Hubb'andmen[spelling?] on 29 April 1918 (with the great support of Austrian-German occupants), elected tsarist general P.P. Skoropadsky as Hetman of Ukraine. He proclaimed the overthrow of the Central Rada government and the foundation of the Ukrainian State.

In Skoropadsky's time, the so-called "paper hryvnias" were introduced in commerce. They were ordered by the Central Rada from Germany.

On 5 August 1918, the first banknote that appeared in commerce was the 3.6% statebond with the name "Bank-note of the State Treasure". Statebonds were printed with eight coupons, four coupons on each side.

On 17 October 1918, the Hetman's government received from Germany another supply of banknotes with values of 2, 10, and 100 hryvnias, as ordered by the Central Rada. A bit later, banknotes of 1000 and 2000 hrivnas were received. They bore the abbreviation of the Ukrainian State (УД, Ukrainian: Українська Держава), an official name of Ukraine in the Hetman's time. These hryvnias were issued on 17 October 1918, 59 days before the Hetman's overthrow.

Ukrainian Directorate (1918–1920)

The defeat of Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I also resulted in the breakup of Ukraine's occupation regime (Hetman Skoropadsky's government). On the night of 14 November 1918 in Bila Tserkva, the government of the Ukrainian Directorate was formed. Within a month, military forces of the Directorate occupied Kyiv. On 16 January 1919, the Government of the Directorate declared war on Soviet Russia. This action required issuing enormous sums of money. In Kyiv, the Directorate used reserves of banknotes which were issued previously by the Central Rada's governments.

The military campaign of the Directorate turned out to be unsuccessful, and the offensive of the Red Army forced the Directorate to leave Kyiv and to settle in Vinnytsia (5 February 1919). There, the Directorate used 3.6% state bonds for their purchasing power. Beginning in March 1919, a series of banknotes (5 hryvnias) was issued. 5-hryvnia banknotes were printed on grey paper and contained an error in their text: гривна instead of гривень. Some of the banknotes entered circulation. The next bastion for the embattled Directorate was Kamanets-Podilsk, where it held out for almost a year and issued a few more banknotes.

In August 1919, banknotes were printed with the value of 100, 250, and 1000 karbovanets. The 1000 karbovanet banknote was issued in Kyiv and entered circulation on 13 November 1918. Printing was continued by the Directorate government in October 1919 at Kamyanets-Podilsk and in 1920 at Warsaw. Later, 10 karbovanets (August 1919) and 25 karbovanets (October 1919) were put into use. The design of the 10 karbovanets (tanknotes) was prepared in Hetman's period, and their obverse had the large letters УД which designated the Ukrainian state (Ukrainian: Українська Держава). The last banknotes of the Directorate were prepared in Austria. The series contained banknotes of 50 and 1000 hryvnias. But they were never issued (only some specimen copies are known). On November 20, 1920, the Directorial Government was disbanded by S.V. Petlyura's edict, and its provision of currency ended.

Ukrainian SSR (1919–1920)

At the beginning of 1919 in Kharkiv, by Lenin's direction, Russia financed the pro-Soviet government. However, a period of unprecedented inflation was triggered by the Civil War and resulted in a sharp deficit of circulating money, especially banknotes. The People's Commissar of Finance of the USSR, with the consent of the RSFSR government, decided to use the 10 karbovanet banknotes of the Directorate. This note's artwork (without series and numbers) were captured by the Red Army on 5 February 1919 during the takeover of Kyiv from the Petlyurian troops. The Soviet banknote differed from the Directorate's in paper, ink, watermarks, and the location of their series and numbers.

One more banknote of 50 karbovanets with Soviet symbols was printed. On 1 June 1919, the Ukraine united with the Soviet governments of Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Belarus in a common front, and only one monetary unit was legitimized – the ruble of the USSR. The 50-karbovanet banknote is known only by some specimen copies.

Second karbovanets (1942–1945)

During the Nazi occupation of Ukraine in World War II, the German occupying government (Reichskommissariat Ukraine) issued banknotes denominated in karbovanets (karbowanez in German). The karbovanets replaced the Soviet ruble at par and were in circulation between 1942 and 1945. It was pegged to the Reichsmark at a rate of 10 karbovantsiv = 1 Reichsmark.

Third karbovanets (1992–1996)

Single-use coupons issued in 1991

In November 1990, with the collapse of the Soviet command economy, the Ukrainian SSR introduced one-time coupons, which were distributed to Ukrainian residents. The coupons were created in addition to rubles in order to buy groceries and living essentials. On 10 January 1992,[citation needed] the karbovanets replaced rubles at par, with the ISO 4217 code being UAK.

The karbovanets, which suffered from hyperinflation, were replaced by the hryvnia in 1996, at a rate of 100,000 karbovantsiv to 1 hryvnia. The hryvnia was introduced in 1996, and from 2 September until 16 September both the karbovanets and hryvnia were in circulation. After that, the use of the karbovanets as a national currency was discontinued.


First karbovanets

In 1917, the Central Rada of the Ukrainian People's Republic introduced 100 karbovantsiv notes. These were followed in 1918 by State Treasury notes for 25 and 50 karbovantsiv. That year also saw the issue of postage stamp currency denominated in shah and various bonds, together with state credit notes in denominations of 2, 10, 100, 500, 1,000, and 2,000 hryven. The Directorate issued notes for 100, 250 and 100 karbovanets in 1918, followed by 10 and 25 karbovanets in 1919. State notes for 5, 50, and 1,000 hryven were issued in 1920. 1 karbovanet was worth 2 hryvni or 200 shah.

1918 series[4]
Picture Face value Value in Years of printing
Obverse Reverse Karbovanets Hryvnia Shah
Banknotes denominated in shah
10 shah 0.05 0.1 10 1918
20 shah 0.1 0.2 20
30 shah 0.15 0.3 30
40 shah 0.2 0.4 40
50 shah 0.25 0.5 50
90 shah 0.45 0.9 90
1 hryvnia 80 shah 0.9 1.8 180
3 hryvni 60 shah 1.8 3.6 360
Banknotes denominated in hryvnia
2 hryvni 1 2 200 1918
10 hryven 5 10 1000 1918
50 hryven 25 50 5000
100 hryven 50 100 10 000 1918
200 hryven 100 200 20 000
500 hryven 250 500 50 000
1000 hryven 500 1000 100 000
2000 hryven 1000 2000 200 000 1918
Banknotes denominated in karbovanets
10 karbovanets 10 20 2000 1919
25 karbovanets 25 50 5000 1918
50 karbovanets 50 100 10 000 1918–1920
100 karbovanets 100 200 20 000 1917
250 karbovanets 250 500 50 000
1000 karbovanets 1000 2000 200 000

Second karbovanets

Banknotes were introduced in June 1942 in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 karbovanets. The banknotes were in dark colour, carrying nearly all inscriptions in German and a warning in both German and Ukrainian stating "falsification of banknotes is punished by imprisoning". The obverse of the notes all featured a portrait, including children, a peasant, a miner, a seaman, and a chemist. The Nazi Reichsadler also appeared.

1941–1944 Series
Image Value Main colour
Obverse Reverse
1 brown
2 brown
5 brown
10 brown
20 brown
50 brown
100 brown
200 brown
500 brown

Third karbovanets

In 1991, notes were introduced in denominations of 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 karbovanets (also called kupons[5] or coupons). All 1991 banknotes were of the same design, picturing Lybid from the monument of the founders of Kyiv on the obverse and the Sophia Cathedral on the reverse. The banknotes did not carry individual serial numbers or signatures. In 1992, banknotes for 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 karbovanets were issued, which carried serial numbers.

First Series
Image Value Main colour Description Date of
Obverse Reverse Obverse Reverse first printing issue
1 brown Lybid Kyiv Pechersk Lavra 1991 1991
3 green Lybid Kyiv Pechersk Lavra
5 blue Lybid Kyiv Pechersk Lavra
10 pink Lybid Kyiv Pechersk Lavra
25 purple Lybid Kyiv Pechersk Lavra
50 green Lybid Kyiv Pechersk Lavra
100 brown Lybid Kyiv Pechersk Lavra

In 1993, banknotes for 2000 and 5000 karbovanets were issued. Having similar designs as the 1992 banknotes, they were the first to carry the coat of arms of Ukraine. In the same year, notes for 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, and 100,000 karbovanets were also introduced into circulation, which were bigger in size and pictured the Volodymyr Monument on the obverse and the Kyiv Opera on the reverse. Subsequently, banknotes for 200,000 and 500,000 karbovanets were introduced in 1994, followed by the 1,000,000 karbovanet banknote in 1995, which pictured the Taras Shevchenko Monument in Kyiv.

Second Series
Image Value Main colour Description Date of
Obverse Reverse Obverse Reverse first printing issue
100 orange Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv Kyiv Pechersk Lavra 1992 1992
200 brown Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv Kyiv Pechersk Lavra
500 cyan Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv Kyiv Pechersk Lavra
1,000 red Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv Kyiv Pechersk Lavra
2,000 blue Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv Kyiv Pechersk Lavra 1993 1993
5,000 red Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv Kyiv Pechersk Lavra
10,000 green Volodymyrska Hill National Bank of Ukraine headquarters
20,000 purple Volodymyrska Hill National Bank of Ukraine headquarters
50,000 light orange Volodymyrska Hill National Bank of Ukraine headquarters
100,000 grey Volodymyrska Hill National Bank of Ukraine headquarters
200,000 brown Volodymyrska Hill National Opera of Ukraine 1994 1994
500,000 blue Volodymyrska Hill National Opera of Ukraine
1,000,000 brown Taras Shevchenko Red University Building 1995 1995

See also


  1. ^ ISO 4217 (2008) Amendments 50, 90
  2. ^ List of codes for historic denominations of currencies & funds
  3. ^ НБР: History of Hryvnia
  4. ^ "Banknotes from Ukraine – Numista". Retrieved 2023-03-12.
  5. ^ Hyperinflation in Ukraine
Preceded by:
Russian ruble
Reason: independence
Currency of Ukrainian People's Republic
19 December 1917 – 1 March 1918
Succeeded by:
Ukrainian hryvnia
Preceded by:
Ukrainian hryvnia
Reason: coup d'état
(on April 29, 1918)
Currency of Ukrainian State
April 1918 – December 1918
Succeeded by:
Ukrainian hryvnia
Reason: coup d'état
(on December 14, 1918)
Ukrainian karbovanets
Preceded by:
Ukrainian hryvnia
Reason: Soviet occupation
(November 1920)
Currency of Ukrainian SSR
1920 – 1942
Succeeded by:
Second (Nazi) karbovanets
Reason: Nazi occupation
Preceded by:
Second (Nazi) karbovanets
Reason: Soviet occupation
Currency of Ukrainian SSR
1945 – 1992
Succeeded by:
Third Ukrainian karbovanets
Reason: Independence
(on August 24, 1991)
Second (Nazi) karbovanets
Preceded by:
Ukrainian karbovanets
Reason: Nazi occupation
Currency of Reichskommissariat Ukraine
1942 – 1945
Succeeded by:
Ukrainian karbovanets
Reason: Soviet occupation
Third karbovanets
Preceded by:
Ukrainian karbovanets
Reason: Independence
(on August 24, 1991)
Currency of Ukraine
1992 – 1996
Succeeded by:
Ukrainian hryvnia
Reason: inflation
(on September 2, 1996)

Ratio: 1 hryvnia = 100 000 karbovanets

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