Perguruan Tinggi : Universitas Presiden
Program Studi : Manajemen
Jabatan Fungsional : Asisten Ahli
Pendidikan Terakhir : S2
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-Laki
Status Aktif : Aktif
Ikatan Kerja : Dosen Tetap


No Tahun Ijazah Gelar Jenjang Perguruan Tinggi
1 M.Sc. S2 N/A


No Tahun Ajaran Nama Matakuliah Kelas Perguruan Tinggi
1. Ganjil 2014 416 - Introduction to International Business 9917 Universitas Presiden
2. Ganjil 2014 416 - Introduction to International Business 9908 Universitas Presiden
3. Genap 2014 416 - Introduction to International Business 9908 Universitas Presiden
4. Genap 2014 416 - Introduction to International Business 9917 Universitas Presiden
5. Genap 2015 168 - Production and Operations Management 3662 Universitas Presiden
6. Genap 2015 808 - Business Communication 1608 Universitas Presiden
7. Ganjil 2016 460 - Internship 6657P Universitas Presiden
8. Ganjil 2016 460 - Internship 6619P Universitas Presiden
9. Ganjil 2016 460 - Internship 9787P Universitas Presiden
10. Ganjil 2016 460 - Internship 6200P Universitas Presiden
11. Ganjil 2016 168 - Production and Operations Management 3662 Universitas Presiden
12. Ganjil 2016 168 - Production and Operations Management 2840 Universitas Presiden
13. Ganjil 2016 168 - Production and Operations Management 4827 Universitas Presiden
14. Ganjil 2016 460 - Internship 6096P Universitas Presiden
15. Ganjil 2016 85 - Thesis 476 Universitas Presiden
16. Ganjil 2016 85 - Thesis 292 Universitas Presiden
17. Ganjil 2016 85 - Thesis 320 Universitas Presiden
18. Ganjil 2016 85 - Thesis 286 Universitas Presiden
19. Ganjil 2016 168 - Production and Operations Management 3565 Universitas Presiden
20. Ganjil 2016 85 - Thesis 605 Universitas Presiden
21. Ganjil 2016 85 - Thesis 1098 Universitas Presiden
22. Ganjil 2016 85 - Thesis 843 Universitas Presiden
23. Ganjil 2016 460 - Internship 6052P Universitas Presiden
24. Ganjil 2016 460 - Internship 1147P Universitas Presiden
25. Ganjil 2016 460 - Internship 514 Universitas Presiden
26. Ganjil 2016 460 - Internship 263 Universitas Presiden
27. Ganjil 2016 460 - Internship 305 Universitas Presiden
28. Ganjil 2016 85 - Thesis 355 Universitas Presiden
29. Genap 2016 85 - Thesis 1665 Universitas Presiden
30. Genap 2016 168 - Production and Operations Management 4244 Universitas Presiden
31. Genap 2016 85 - Thesis 120 Universitas Presiden
32. Genap 2016 168 - Production and Operations Management 4243 Universitas Presiden
33. Genap 2016 460 - Internship 1608 Universitas Presiden
34. Genap 2016 460 - Internship 1526 Universitas Presiden
35. Genap 2016 416 - Introduction to International Business 4906 Universitas Presiden
36. Genap 2016 168 - Production and Operations Management 5154 Universitas Presiden
37. Genap 2016 85 - Thesis 1608 Universitas Presiden
38. Genap 2016 460 - Internship 1608 Universitas Presiden
39. Genap 2016 168 - Production and Operations Management 4245 Universitas Presiden
40. Genap 2016 168 - Production and Operations Management 4242 Universitas Presiden
No. Judul Penelitian Bidang Ilmu Lembaga Tahun

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