Profil Dosen:


Perguruan Tinggi : Universitas Udayana
Program Studi : Pendidikan Dokter
Jabatan Fungsional : Asisten Ahli
Pendidikan Terakhir : S2
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Status Aktif : Aktif
Ikatan Kerja : Dosen Tetap


No Tahun Ijazah Gelar Jenjang Perguruan Tinggi
1 2008 S.Ked S1 Universitas Udayana
2 2010 dr Profesi Universitas Udayana
3 2017 M.Biomed S2 Universitas Udayana


No Tahun Ajaran Nama Matakuliah Kelas Perguruan Tinggi
1. Genap 2014 KSN1206 - Medical Professionalism A01 Universitas Udayana
2. Genap 2014 KSN1206 - Medical Professionalism A01 Universitas Udayana
3. Genap 2017 ksn41502 - Alimentary & Hepatobiliary Systems & Disorders A Universitas Udayana
4. Genap 2017 ksn41501 - Musculuskeletal System & Connective Tissue Disorders A Universitas Udayana
5. Genap 2017 KSN3231B - The Urinary System and Disorders A Universitas Udayana
6. Genap 2017 ksn21602 - Growth & Develepment A Universitas Udayana
7. Genap 2017 KSN3233B - Basic Clinical Skill VI A01 Universitas Udayana
8. Genap 2017 FA434311 - Prak.FarmakologiToksikologi II A Universitas Udayana
9. Genap 2017 KSN21603 - Medical Communication A Universitas Udayana
10. Genap 2017 ksn21604 - Basic Pharmaceutical Medicine & Drug Etics A Universitas Udayana
12. Genap 2017 ASKKK1212 - Ilmu Dasar Keperawatan II - Universitas Udayana
13. Genap 2017 PDG25203 - DENTAL SCIENCE I - Universitas Udayana
14. Genap 2017 BFT0019 - Elektrofisika dan Farmakologi Fisioterapi A01 Universitas Udayana
15. Genap 2017 KSN1206 - Medical Professionalism A Universitas Udayana
16. Ganjil 2018 KSN11604 - Biomedik II A Universitas Udayana
17. Ganjil 2018 FA334430 - FARMAKOLOGI-TOKSIKOLOGI I B Universitas Udayana
18. Ganjil 2018 KSN11601 - Studium Generale And Humaniora B Universitas Udayana
19. Ganjil 2018 KSN11604 - Biomedik II B Universitas Udayana
20. Ganjil 2018 KSN11601 - Studium Generale And Humaniora A Universitas Udayana
21. Ganjil 2018 KSN11603 - The Cell As Biochemical Machinery A Universitas Udayana
22. Ganjil 2018 KSN41508 - The Skin & Hearing System & Disorders B Universitas Udayana
23. Ganjil 2018 KSN31601 - Behavior Change And Disorders A Universitas Udayana
24. Ganjil 2018 FA334430 - FARMAKOLOGI-TOKSIKOLOGI I A Universitas Udayana
25. Ganjil 2018 KSN31601 - Behavior Change And Disorders B Universitas Udayana
26. Ganjil 2018 KSN11601 - Studium Generale And Humaniora A Universitas Udayana
27. Ganjil 2018 KSN11602 - Biomedik I B Universitas Udayana
28. Genap 2018 KSN21603 - Medical Communication A Universitas Udayana
29. Genap 2018 KSN2222 - Basic Clinical Skill IV A Universitas Udayana
30. Genap 2018 KSN2221 - The Visual System And Disorders B Universitas Udayana
31. Genap 2018 ksn41502 - Alimentary & Hepatobiliary Systems & Disorders A Universitas Udayana
32. Genap 2018 FA434311 - Prak.Farmakologi-Toksikologi II B Universitas Udayana
33. Genap 2018 FA434311 - Prak.Farmakologi-Toksikologi II A Universitas Udayana
34. Genap 2018 KSN1212 - Basic Clinical Skill II A Universitas Udayana
35. Genap 2018 ksn41501 - Musculuskeletal System & Connective Tissue Disorders A Universitas Udayana
36. Genap 2018 ksn41502 - Alimentary & Hepatobiliary Systems & Disorders B Universitas Udayana
37. Genap 2018 KSN41504 - Clinical Nutrition and Disorders A Universitas Udayana
38. Genap 2018 ksn21602 - Growth & Develepment B Universitas Udayana
39. Genap 2018 FA434320 - Farmakologi Toksikologi II A Universitas Udayana
40. Genap 2018 FA434320 - Farmakologi Toksikologi II B Universitas Udayana
41. Genap 2018 ASKKK1212 - Ilmu Dasar Keperawatan II - Universitas Udayana
42. Genap 2018 PDG25203 - DENTAL SCIENCE I A Universitas Udayana
43. Genap 2018 BFT0019 - Elektrofisika dan Farmakologi Fisioterapi - Universitas Udayana
44. Ganjil 2019 ASKKK2117 - Keperawatan Medikal Bedah I A Universitas Udayana
45. Ganjil 2019 KSN11904 - Biomedik II B Universitas Udayana
46. Ganjil 2019 KSN31805 - Hematologic System and Disorders & Clinical Oncology B Universitas Udayana
47. Ganjil 2019 KSN31803 - Basic Clincal Skill III A Universitas Udayana
48. Ganjil 2019 KSN51703 - The Respiratory System and Disorders B Universitas Udayana
49. Ganjil 2019 KSN71602 - Evidence Based Medical Practice B Universitas Udayana
50. Ganjil 2019 KSN31803 - Basic Clincal Skill III B Universitas Udayana
51. Ganjil 2019 KSN11901 - Studium Generale and Humaniora B Universitas Udayana
52. Ganjil 2019 KSN11902 - Biomedik I B Universitas Udayana
53. Ganjil 2019 FA334430 - Farmakologi-Toksikologi I A Universitas Udayana
54. Ganjil 2019 FA334430 - Farmakologi-Toksikologi I B Universitas Udayana
55. Ganjil 2019 KSN11903 - The Cell as Biochemical Machinery B Universitas Udayana
56. Ganjil 2019 KSN71604 - Health System Based Practive B Universitas Udayana
57. Ganjil 2019 KSN31804 - Immune System and Disorders A Universitas Udayana
58. Ganjil 2019 KSN71605 - Special Topic III B Universitas Udayana
59. Ganjil 2019 KSN11902 - Biomedik I A Universitas Udayana
60. Ganjil 2019 KSN31801 - Behavior Changes and Disorders A Universitas Udayana
61. Ganjil 2019 KSN71604 - Health System Based Practive A Universitas Udayana
62. Ganjil 2019 KSN51706 - Special Topic II A Universitas Udayana
63. Ganjil 2019 KSN71605 - Special Topic III A Universitas Udayana
64. Ganjil 2019 KSN31805 - Hematologic System and Disorders & Clinical Oncology A Universitas Udayana
65. Ganjil 2019 KSN51704 - Basic Clinical Skill V A Universitas Udayana
66. Ganjil 2019 KSN31806 - Special Topic I B Universitas Udayana
67. Ganjil 2019 KSN51702 - Neuroscience and Neurological Disorders B Universitas Udayana
68. Ganjil 2019 KSN71603 - Community Based Practive A Universitas Udayana
69. Ganjil 2019 KSN51704 - Basic Clinical Skill V B Universitas Udayana
70. Ganjil 2019 KSN11904 - Biomedik II A Universitas Udayana
71. Ganjil 2019 KSN51705 - The Skin & Hearing System and Disorders B Universitas Udayana
72. Ganjil 2019 KSN51703 - The Respiratory System and Disorders A Universitas Udayana
73. Ganjil 2019 KSN11903 - The Cell as Biochemical Machinery A Universitas Udayana
74. Genap 2019 KSN41801 - Musculoskeletal System & Connective Tissue Disorders B Universitas Udayana
75. Genap 2019 KSN41806 - Basic Clinical Skill IV B Universitas Udayana
76. Genap 2019 FA434320 - Farmakologi Toksikologi II A Universitas Udayana
77. Genap 2019 KSN41803 - The Endocrine System, Metabolism, And Disorders A Universitas Udayana
78. Genap 2019 KSN41806 - Basic Clinical Skill IV A Universitas Udayana
79. Genap 2019 KSN41805 - The Visual System & Disorders B Universitas Udayana
80. Genap 2019 KSN21901 - Biomedik III B Universitas Udayana
81. Genap 2019 KSN41802 - Alimentary & Hepatobiliary Systems & Disorders B Universitas Udayana
82. Genap 2019 KSN61703 - The Urinary System And Disorders B Universitas Udayana
83. Genap 2019 KSN61701 - The Cardiovascular System And Disorders A Universitas Udayana
84. Genap 2019 KSN61701 - The Cardiovascular System And Disorders B Universitas Udayana
85. Genap 2019 KSN41802 - Alimentary & Hepatobiliary Systems & Disorders A Universitas Udayana
86. Genap 2019 KSN61703 - The Urinary System And Disorders A Universitas Udayana
87. Genap 2019 BFT0019 - Elektrofisika dan Farmakologi Fisioterapi A Universitas Udayana
88. Genap 2019 DFE215 - Farmakologi Eksperimental dan EBM A Universitas Udayana
89. Genap 2019 DFF214 - Farmakokinetika dan Farmakodinamika A Universitas Udayana
90. Genap 2019 DFMI216 - Farmakologi Molekuler dan Imunofakrmakologi A Universitas Udayana
91. Genap 2019 ASKKK2223 - Keperawatan Medikal Bedah II A Universitas Udayana
92. Genap 2019 ASKKK1211 - Ilmu Dasar Keperawatan II A Universitas Udayana
93. Genap 2019 FA434311 - Prak.Farmakologi-Toksikologi II B Universitas Udayana
94. Genap 2019 FA434320 - Farmakologi Toksikologi II B Universitas Udayana
95. Genap 2019 FA434311 - Prak.Farmakologi-Toksikologi II A Universitas Udayana
96. Ganjil 2020 ASKKK2118 - Keperawatan Medikal Bedah I A Universitas Udayana
97. Ganjil 2020 PDG33002 - KEDOKTERAN GIGI DASAR II A Universitas Udayana
98. Ganjil 2020 KSN51804 - Basic Clinical Skill V A Universitas Udayana
99. Ganjil 2020 KSN51806 - Special Topic II A Universitas Udayana
100. Ganjil 2020 PDG13002 - ETIK DAN HUMANIORA A Universitas Udayana
101. Ganjil 2020 KSN31905 - Hematologic System and Disorder & Clinical Oncology B Universitas Udayana
102. Ganjil 2020 KSN31907 - Inter - Professional Education I A Universitas Udayana
103. Ganjil 2020 KSN12004 - Biomedik II A Universitas Udayana
104. Ganjil 2020 KSN31905 - Hematologic System and Disorder & Clinical Oncology A Universitas Udayana
105. Ganjil 2020 KSN51803 - The Respiratory System And Disorders B Universitas Udayana
106. Ganjil 2020 KSN31903 - Basic Clinical Skill III B Universitas Udayana
107. Ganjil 2020 KSN31903 - Basic Clinical Skill III A Universitas Udayana
108. Ganjil 2020 KSN51802 - Neuroscience And Neurological Disorders A Universitas Udayana
109. Ganjil 2020 KSN51803 - The Respiratory System And Disorders A Universitas Udayana
110. Ganjil 2020 KSN51805 - The Skin & Hearing System And Disorders B Universitas Udayana
111. Ganjil 2020 KSN71706 - Basic Clinical Skill VII B Universitas Udayana
112. Ganjil 2020 KSN12004 - Biomedik II B Universitas Udayana
113. Genap 2020 KSN41906 - Basic Clinical Skill IV B Universitas Udayana
114. Genap 2020 KSN41902 - Alimentary And Hepatobiliary System & Disorders B Universitas Udayana
115. Genap 2020 KSN41902 - Alimentary And Hepatobiliary System & Disorders A Universitas Udayana
116. Genap 2020 KSN41903 - The Endocrine System, Metabolism And Disorders B Universitas Udayana
117. Genap 2020 KSN41901 - Musculoskeletal System & Connective Tissue Disorders A Universitas Udayana
118. Genap 2020 KSN41906 - Basic Clinical Skill IV A Universitas Udayana
119. Genap 2020 BFT0072 - Elektrofisika dan Farmakologi Fisioterapi A Universitas Udayana
120. Genap 2020 ASKKK1211 - Ilmu Dasar Keperawatan II A Universitas Udayana
121. Genap 2020 DFE215 - Farmakologi Eksperimental dan EBM A Universitas Udayana
122. Genap 2020 DFK218 - Farmakologi Klinik A Universitas Udayana
123. Genap 2020 DFMI216 - Farmakologi Molekuler dan Imunofakrmakologi A Universitas Udayana
124. Genap 2020 ASKKK2223 - Keperawatan Medikal Bedah II A Universitas Udayana
No. Judul Penelitian Bidang Ilmu Lembaga Tahun

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