Film industry in Western Australia

The film industry in Western Australia encompasses a wide range of productions and a wide range of filmmakers.

Funding can be sourced from ScreenWest,[1] Screen Australia,[2] FTI,[3] television broadcasters and private investors.

Filmmakers and productions can be recognised at the West Australian Screen Awards.[4]

Western Australia's capital, Perth, from Kings Park

Feature films

Independent feature films

Feature films made outside of the government funding bodies include:

  • The Actress (2005)
  • Aussie Park Boyz (2004)
  • Aussie Park Boyz: The Next Chapter (2011)
  • The Bouncer (2006)
  • Broken (2016)
  • Broken Contract (2015)
  • The Burning Kiss (2017)
  • Cherubhead (2021)
  • The Course (2007)
  • Crush (2009)
  • Death Bet (2008)
  • The Director's Cut (2009)
  • Emu War: A Subtle Examination of the Sheer Caucasity of Colonialism (2023)
  • Everybody Gets Stabbed (2020)
  • Esoterica (2010)
  • Foreshadow (2013)
  • I Am Bish (2009)
  • Indefinite (2015)
  • Infected Paradise (2014)
  • Little Sparrows (2010)
  • Lurking Woods (2015)
  • Needle (2010)
  • No Through Road (2008)
  • Pinch (2015)
  • Plum Role (2007)
  • Pulse (2016)
  • Raven's Cabin (2012)
  • The Sculptor (2009)
  • Sororal (2014)
  • The Toll (2010)
  • Twisted Minds (2014)
  • The Wheelchair Warriors (1998)
  • White December (2016)

Television movies

Feature documentaries

  • Frackman (2015)
  • Fridey at the Hydey (2013)
  • Hotel Coolgardie (2016)
  • Hunter: For the Record (2012)
  • Meal Tickets (2016)
  • It's Not Just Me (2017)[5]
  • Parkerville Amphitheatre: Sets, Bugs and Rock n Roll (2015)
  • Putuparri and the Rainmakers (2015)
  • Three Hams in a Can (2009)

Television documentaries

  • Bom Bali (2006)
  • Chateau Chunder: A Wine Revolution (2012)
  • Child Soldiers (2002)
  • Gallipoli Submarine (2008)
  • The Hunt for HMAS Sydney (2008)
  • Jandamarra's War (2011)
  • Prison Songs (2015)
  • The Secret History of Eurovision (2011)
  • Singapore 1942 End of Empire (2012)
  • Skippy: Australia's First Superstar (2009)
  • Surviving Mumbai (2009)
  • Wadjemup: Black Prison White Playground (2014)
  • The War on Microbes (2012)

Television and web series

Short films

  • Arrivals and Departures (2009)
  • The Artifact (2015)
  • At Play (2006)
  • Bad Credit and Aliens (2001)
  • Barrow (2014)
  • Before Closing (2007)
  • The Belfast Boys (2004)
  • Betrand the Terrible (2010)
  • The Billabong (2010)
  • Black Swan (2003)
  • Blue (2009)
  • Blue (2012)
  • Bogside Boys (2003)
  • The Brink (2005)
  • Bush Basher (2011)
  • Cain Rose Up (2010)
  • Cedric & Hope (2012)
  • Charlotte (2011)
  • Consume This! (2006)
  • The Cookie Crumbles (2013)
  • Council (2016)
  • Crosshairs (2012)
  • Crossroad (2008)
  • Crush (2001)
  • The Dead Wastes (2009)
  • Declan (2002)
  • Deep End (2009)
  • The Dinner Meeting (2012)
  • Dogs Run Loose Around Here (2008)
  • A Dollar For the Good Ones (2006)
  • Edgar and Elizabeth (2007)
  • Effective Towel Flicking (2003)
  • Every Ute and Its Dog (2002)
  • Exposure (2012)
  • Factory 293 (2014)
  • Fading West (2002)
  • Fallout: Lanius (2013)
  • The Fan (2013)
  • Fastest Shrinking Town (2002)
  • Fetch (2002)
  • George Jones and the Giant Squid (2011)
  • Gifted Thumbs (2002)
  • A Girl's Best Friend (2016)
  • Good Pretender (2011)
  • Goodbye, Cruel World (2012)
  • Happy Haven (2010)
  • Hello, It's Freo (2009)
  • Her Outback (2002)
  • The Hunt (2016)
  • Iron Bird (2006)
  • Jack (2002)
  • Junction (2002)
  • Kanowna (2010)
  • Karroyul (2015)
  • Legacy (2008)
  • Library of Love (2016)
  • Light as a Feather (2010)
  • Little Boxes (2009)
  • Little Hunters (2002)
  • Little Man (2004)
  • Lola & Luis (2016)
  • Love in a Disabled Toilet (2015)
  • Love Like You've Never Been Hurt (2009)
  • Mamani (2016)
  • Man (2014)
  • Matchbox (2002)
  • Medusa (2003)
  • Men's Room (2002)
  • My Love Lilac (2015)
  • My Uncle Bluey (2009)
  • No School No Pool (2002)
  • One Night Only (2012)
  • OnO (2016)
  • The Owl (2013)
  • The Paddock (2003)
  • Pale Blue Eyes (2014)
  • Perished (2011)
  • Pilbara Pearl (1999)
  • The Planet Lonely (2008)
  • Polarised (2012)
  • Postie (2003)
  • Professor Pebbles (2008)
  • Rat Tale (2014)
  • Reflection (2016)
  • Reflections (2005)
  • Restare Uniti (2011)
  • Revive (2013)
  • Rock and Roll Mud Wrestling (2009)
  • Ronan's Escape (2010)
  • Set Yourself Free (2014)
  • Setting Them Straight (2015)
  • Sex Ed (2013)
  • Scoff (2003)
  • A Short Film Named Desire (2017)
  • Sleeper (2005)
  • Something Fishy (2010)
  • Strike (2012)
  • Stump (2002)
  • Submarine (2015)
  • Tango Underpants (2014)
  • Then She Was Gone (2010)
  • Third-World Solution (2015)
  • This Is Perth (2009)
  • Til 3 Knocks (2008)
  • Tinglewood (2009)
  • Transmission (2012)
  • Two Minds (2010)
  • The Umbrella Condition (2005)
  • Upside Down (2002)
  • Victim (2003)
  • Victims (2009)
  • Vincent (2012)
  • Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home (2002)
  • Watch Comes Around (2004)
  • Water (2009)
  • We Were Here (2016)
  • Why the Long Face? (2007)


Past and present Western Australian writers, producers and directors include:

  • Britt Arthur
  • Jeffory Asselin
  • Julius Avery
  • Harry Bardwell
  • Sam Barrett
  • Paul Barron
  • Brian Beaton
  • Justin Beckett
  • Natalie Bell
  • Stuart Bender
  • Dave Bishop
  • Jess Black
  • James Bogle
  • Gavin Bond
  • Michael Bond
  • Lauren Brunswick
  • Rebecca Caldwell
  • Kody Cameron-Brown
  • A.J. Carter
  • Gary Centrone
  • Tania Chambers
  • Camille Chen
  • Michael Joel Clark
  • Reg Cribb
  • Stevie Cruz-Martin
  • Arnie Custo
  • Sean Robert Daniels
  • Pierce Davison
  • Mat de Koning
  • Tim Dean
  • Brendan Dee
  • Mark DeFriest
  • Alex Dermer
  • Eva Di Blasio
  • Elissa Down
  • Brett Dowson
  • Coral Drouyn
  • Khrob Edmonds
  • Miranda Edmonds
  • Lauren Elliott
  • Ron Elliott
  • Karen Farmer
  • Damian Fasolo
  • Rai Fazio
  • Sam Bodhi Field
  • Robert Forsyth
  • Hayden Fortescue
  • Damien Giglietta
  • Pete Gleeson
  • James Grandison
  • Peter Gurbiel
  • Michael Hatch
  • Joe Henderson
  • Cathy Henkel
  • Zak Hilditch
  • Mike Hoath
  • Richard Hyde
  • Henry Inglis
  • Ross Ioppolo
  • Georgina Isles
  • Dean Israelite
  • Jimmy Jack
  • Alison James
  • Brendan Joel
  • Kane George Jason
  • Corrie Jones
  • Aaron Kamp
  • Phil Jeng Kane
  • David Karsten
  • Maya Kavanagh
  • Liz Kearney
  • Nathan Keene
  • Melissa Kelly
  • Tenille Kennedy
  • Christopher Kenworthy
  • Deidre Kitcher
  • Paul Komadina
  • Nunzio La Bianca
  • Maziar Lahooti
  • Nelson Lau
  • Luna Laure
  • Andrew Lewis
  • Matty Limpus
  • Robert Livings
  • Matt Lovkis
  • Johnny Ma
  • Roderick MacKay
  • Kelrick Martin
  • Michael McCall
  • Stephen McCallum
  • Aaron McCann
  • Adrian McFarlane
  • Ross Metcalf
  • Jonathan Messer
  • Daniel Monks
  • Robyn Marais
  • Nathan Mewett

Steven J. Mihaljevich

  • Pann Murujaiyan
  • Carmelo Musca
  • Kate Neylon
  • Andrew Ogilvie
  • Dan Osborn
  • Jag Pannu
  • Jess Parker
  • Dominic Pearce
  • James Pentecost
  • Vincenzo Perrella
  • Levon J Polinelli
  • Ruben Pracas
  • Adrian Prospero
  • Stefan Androv Radanovich
  • John Rapsey
  • Chris Richards-Scully
  • Chris Ridley
  • Kirsten Robb
  • Melanie Rodriga
  • Sarah Rosetti
  • Wade K. Savage
  • Brooke Silcox
  • Angie Smith
  • Burleigh Smith
  • David Vincent Smith
  • Anthea Smyth
  • Damien Spiccia
  • Grant Sputore
  • Robbie Studsor
  • John V. Soto
  • Nathan Stone
  • Curtis Taylor
  • Sue Taylor
  • Julius Telmer
  • Peter Templeman
  • Debbie Thoy
  • Ross Tinney
  • Richard Todd
  • Miley Tunnecliffe
  • Alexander von Hofmann
  • Roslyn Walker
  • April Ward
  • Antony Webb
  • Renée Webster
  • Cameron Whiteford
  • Keir Wilkins
  • Martin Wilson
  • Alice Wolfe
  • Ella Wright
  • Troy Wyatt
  • Ben Young

Directors of photography

  • Simon Akkerman (ACS)
  • Denson Baker (ACS)
  • Ian Batt
  • Laetitia Belen
  • Ben Berkhout
  • Dion Borrett
  • A.J. Coultier
  • Joel Crane
  • Ivan Davidov
  • George Davis
  • Torstein Dyrting (ACS)
  • Jim Frater
  • Rusty Geller
  • Stewart Hadfield
  • Ulrich Krafzik (ACS)
  • David Le May (ACS)
  • Richard Malins (ACS)
  • Michael McDermott
  • Andrew McLeod
  • Alex McPhee (ACS)
  • Ross Metcalf
  • Lewis Potts
  • David Vincent Smith
  • Jason Thomas
  • Michael Titter
  • Antony Webb
  • Sam Winzar
  • Mark Zagar (ACS)

Other industry practitioners

  • Vikki Barr (ScreenWest)
  • Tony Bective (Luna Cinemas)
  • Nick Bertke (Electronic musician, visual effects)
  • Rikki Lea Bestall (ScreenWest)
  • Paul Bodlovich (FTI)
  • Ian Booth (ScreenWest)
  • Andre Chang-Fane (Visual effects)
  • Michael Cunningham
  • Merlin Eden (Film editor)
  • Rusty Geller (Steadicam operator)
  • Ash Gibson Greig (Composer)
  • James Helm (Actor)
  • Ryan Hodgson (ScreenWest)
  • Travis Johnson (Film Critic, Filmink, The West Australian, X-Press Magazine)
  • George Karpathakis (ECU)
  • Edward McQueen-Mason (Film editor)
  • Annie Murtagh-Monks (Casting director, FTI)
  • Mark Naglazas (Film critic, The West Australian)
  • Andy Parnell (Sound recordist)
  • Herbert Pinter (Production designer)
  • Peter Pritchard (Film editor)
  • Ali Roberts (Acting coach)
  • Jack Sargeant (Revelation)
  • Helen Shervington (CinefestOZ)
  • Lawrie Silvestrin (Film editor)
  • Keith Smith (ECU, Revel-8)
  • Richard Sowada (Revelation)
  • Stephen Sunderland (Film critic)
  • Ingrid van den Berghe (Luna Cinemas)
  • Robert Woods (Visual effects)

Film schools

See also


  1. ^ ScreenWest, Funding & Support; by ScreenWest 2016. Retrieved 29-7-16.
  2. ^ Screen Australia, Funding and Support Overview; by Screen Australia 2016. Retrieved 29-7-16.
  3. ^ FTI, Film Funding; by FTI 2016. Retrieved 29-7-16.
  4. ^ FTI, WA Screen Awards; by FTI 2016. Retrieved 2-8-16.
  5. ^ International Movie database

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