University of Maryland Human–Computer Interaction Lab

Human-Computer Interaction Lab
FounderBen Shneiderman
HeadquartersHornbake Library, College Park, Maryland
Jessica Vitak
Parent organization
University of Maryland, College Park
AffiliationsUniversity of Maryland College of Information Studies, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS)

The Human–Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) at the University of Maryland, College Park is an academic research center specializing in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). Founded in 1983 by Ben Shneiderman, it is one of the oldest HCI labs of its kind.[1] The HCIL conducts research on the design, implementation, and evaluation of computer interface technologies. Additional research focuses on the development of user interfaces and design methods.[2] Primary activities of the HCIL include collaborative research, publication and the sponsorship of open houses, workshops and annual symposiums.[3]

Being interdisciplinary in nature, HCIL collaborates on a broader basis with several academic departments and schools, with faculty and students from Information Studies, Computer Science, Education, English, Business, and Psychology.[4][5] Currently, the lab is jointly supported by the College of Information Studies (iSchool) and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).[2]

Research affiliated with the HCIL has led to several digital design principles based on Shneiderman's theory of direct manipulation. Early research contributions on hypertext, particularly hyperlinking, are popular UI design elements still widely used today.[6][7] In 1989, the lab developed high-precision touchscreen applications for small keyboards that are now widely used on smartphones.[8] Information visualization research on dynamic queries in the early 1990s led to the commercial Spotfire product[9] and treemapping strategies.[10][11] Notable developments in HCI within the 21st century include interfaces for digital libraries, multimedia resources for learning communities, and zooming user interfaces (ZUIs).[12] Later contributions include technology design methodologies for children, mobile and pen-based computing, network analysis and visualization using NodeXL, and event analytics[13] for electronic patient histories.[12] Developments and research projects for each year are showcased at the lab's annual HCIL Symposium.[14]

As of September 2021, the lab is directed by Jessica Vitak. Its previous directors are Ben Shneiderman (1983-2000), Ben Bederson (2000-2006), Allison Druin (2006–2011), Jen Golbeck (2011-2015), Mona Leigh Guha (interim director 2015), June Ahn (2015-2016), Niklas Elmqvist (2016-2021) and Catherine Plaisant (acting director 1996).[2]


Direct manipulation

Ben Shneiderman's theory of direct manipulation led to innovations in digital interface design, many developed under the HCIL. Direct manipulation interactions, in contrast to other interaction styles, require that objects of interest are represented as distinguishable objects in the UI and are manipulated in a direct fashion.[15] In other words, direct manipulation tools provide a user with a visually-intuitive method to manipulate that object. Direct manipulation is characterized by four main principles: continuous representation of the object of interest; physical actions instead of complex syntax; rapid, incremental, and reversible operations whose impact on the object of interest is immediately visible; and layered or spiral approach to learning that permits usage with minimal knowledge.[16] A famous example is the File Explorer, which is used to manage applications in the Microsoft Windows Operating System. In contrast to the command line interaction style, applications are abstractly represented as "files", while groups of files are collected in "folders". File abstractions, for instance, can be dragged and dropped into folders to manage and organize programs in an intuitive and visual manner.


From 1988 to 1991, the HCIL worked on a series of projects regarding the use of touchscreens. These projects explored direct manipulation designs to improve the accuracy, precision, and usability of touchscreen technologies.[17] At the time, touchscreen technology was imprecise and was generally "limited to targets larger than the average finger". Originally, corresponding actions from the touch of a finger were performed immediately on the screen (known as the "first touch" or "land on" strategy"), which would frequently lead to wrong target selections and calibration issues. The "lift-off" strategy was developed as an alternative technique for selection; this technique provides feedback for selection when a user's finger is on the screen, and select that target when the finger is lifted. After implementing a cursor slightly above a user's finger during selection, this effectively allowed a user's finger to replace a computer mouse.[18] The "lift-off" strategy is still used in many touchscreen devices today, including the Apple iPhone.[17]

In 1988, HCIL partnered with companies Elographic and Microtouch to build a high-precision touchscreen by integrating stabilizing techniques with the "lift-off" strategy into their touchscreen drivers. From then on, high-precision technology in touchscreens was possible.[19] Using a combination of hyperTIES and high-precision touchscreen technology, it's believed that the HCIL developed the world's first touchscreen museum kiosk. A large-scale test of touchscreens was conducted that spring for the Caesarea (King Herod's Dream) Exhibit, a Smithsonian exhibit on archaeology.[17][20] Development with touchscreens continued the following year with development of the Online Public Access Catalog for the Library of Congress.[21]

Using direct manipulation interfaces through touchscreens, HCIL worked on two projects from 1988 to 1989: development of a home automation system in collaboration with American Voice and Robotics,[22] and experimentation with toggles (buttons, sliders, etc.) on touchscreens.[23] These projects introduced novel examples of how touchscreens can be used: selecting zones on maps, button type toggles, sliding toggles, and manipulation of calendar and time interfaces.[17] In 2015, HCIL's "sliding" direct manipulation tool[24] was cited as prior art in Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronic Co., Ltd, which contested the patents of the "slide-to-unlock" lock screen feature on Apple devices.[25]

Information visualization

HCIL developed three early applications of dynamic queries from 1991 to 1993.[26] These applications include a chemical table of elements,[27] a real estate HomeFinder,[28] and a cancer atlas.[29] These queries incorporate direct manipulation through dynamic sliders with a range of dates and a dynamically updating map. Chris Ahlberg, a major contributor on HomeFinder, left the lab and created Spotfire several years later in 1996.[26]

Events and outreach

HCIL collaborates with other departments, centers and labs on campus. It hosts academic and industrial visitors, and works closely with project sponsors.

The HCIL has hosted its annual symposium every year since the lab's inception. The symposium showcases developments, publications, and research projects for that year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, HCIL's 37th and 38th Annual Symposium were hosted virtually.[14]

Notable current and former members [30]


  1. ^ "Biography | Niklas Elmqvist, Ph.D." Retrieved 2020-12-08.
  2. ^ a b c "HCIL Overview". Retrieved December 2, 2020.
  3. ^ "Event Archive – HCIL". Retrieved 2020-12-06.
  4. ^ "Collaborating Groups and People – HCIL". Retrieved 2020-12-08.
  5. ^ "Faculty – HCIL". Retrieved 2020-12-08.
  6. ^ Marchionini, G.; Shneiderman, B. (January 1988). "Finding facts vs. browsing knowledge in hypertext systems". Computer. 21 (1): 70–80. doi:10.1109/2.222119. ISSN 1558-0814. S2CID 6069896. Retrieved 2020-12-08.
  7. ^ "The Invention of Hyperlinks". Psychology Today. Retrieved 2020-12-08.
  8. ^ Sears, A., Shneiderman, B. (August 1989). International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, (1991) 34, 4, 593-613. "High precision touchscreens: design strategies and comparisons with a mouse" HCIL-89-17, CS-TR-2268, CAR-TR-450
  9. ^ "Dynamic queries, starfield displays, and the path to Spotfire". Retrieved 2020-12-08.
  10. ^ Shneiderman, Ben (1992). "Tree visualization with tree-maps: 2-d space-filling approach". ACM Transactions on Graphics. 11: 92–99. doi:10.1145/102377.115768. hdl:1903/367. S2CID 1369287.
  11. ^ Ben Shneiderman; Catherine Plaisant (June 25, 2009). "Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies ~ Including the History of Treemap Research at the University of Maryland". Retrieved February 23, 2010.
  12. ^ a b "HCIL History – HCIL". Retrieved 2020-12-08.
  13. ^ "EventFlow: Visual Analysis of Temporal Event Sequences and Advanced Strategies for Healthcare Discovery – HCIL".
  14. ^ a b "2020 Symposium – HCIL".
  15. ^ Interaction Styles.
  16. ^ Shneiderman, B. (1993). 1.1 direct manipulation: a step beyond programming languages. Sparks of innovation in human-computer interaction, 17, 1993.
  17. ^ a b c d "touchscreens". Retrieved 2020-12-11.
  18. ^ Potter, R.; Weldon, L.; Shneiderman, B. Improving the accuracy of touch screens: an experimental evaluation of three strategies. Proc. of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '88. Washington, DC. pp. 27–32. doi:10.1145/57167.57171. Archived from the original on 2015-12-08.
  19. ^ 89-17 - Sears, A., Shneiderman, B. (June 1989). "High precision touchscreens: design strategies and comparisons with a mouse", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, (1991) 34, 4, 593-613.
  20. ^ 90-09  Plaisant, C. (Nov. 1990). "Guide to opportunities in volunteer archaeology - case study of the use of a hypertext system in a museum exhibit", CS-TR-2559, CAR-TR-523 Hypertext/Hypermedia Handbook, Berk E. & Devlin, J., Eds., McGraw-Hill (1991) 498-505.
  21. ^ Marchionini, G., Ashley, M., & Korzendorfer, L. (1993). 5.3 ACCESS at the Library of Congress. Sparks of Innovation in Human-Computer Interaction, 251.
  22. ^ 89-18  Plaisant, C., Shneiderman, B. (revised Feb. 1991). "Scheduling home control devices: design issues and usability evaluation of four touchscreen interfaces", CS-TR-2352, CAR-TR-472. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies (1992) 36, 375-393.
  23. ^ 90-08  Plaisant, C., Wallace, D. (Nov. 1990). "Touchscreen toggle switches: push or slide? Design issues and usability study", CS-TR-2557, CAR-TR-521
  24. ^ "1991 video of the HCIL touchscreen toggle switches (University of Maryland)". YouTube. 30 November 2011. Archived from the original on 2021-12-15. Retrieved 9 December 2020.
  25. ^ "Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al". United States District Court, Northern District of California. Archived from the original on July 29, 2012. Retrieved August 11, 2012.
  26. ^ a b "Dynamic queries, starfield displays, and the path to Spotfire". Retrieved 2020-12-12.
  27. ^ Ahlberg, C., Williamson, C., & Shneiderman, B. (1992, June). Dynamic queries for information exploration: An implementation and evaluation. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 619-626).
  28. ^ Williamson, C., & Shneiderman, B. (1992, June). The Dynamic HomeFinder: Evaluating dynamic queries in a real-estate information exploration system. In Proceedings of the 15th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (pp. 338-346).
  29. ^ Plaisant, C. (1993). Facilitating data exploration: Dynamic queries on a health statistics map. In Proc. of the Government Statistics Section, Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Assoc. Conf. Proc, pg.
  30. ^ "Past Members and PhD Alumni – HCIL".

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