If you want to experience a more pleasant screen visual experience, you should choose a device that offers an OLED panel. OLED panels have a myriad of advantages, such as higher power efficiency, a wider color range, and unmatched contrast ratios. Find sales of phones with Super AMOLED screens here. OLED screens also have several choices, namely AMOLED, Super AMOLED, Dynamic AMOLED, and also LTPO AMOLED. So, each type of OLED panel has unique and diverse characteristics. Here are the differen...
How does it feel to run injured but end up in a crocodile's mouth?A terrible tragedy occurred about 78 years ago. The tragedy was the massacre of Japanese soldiers on Ramree Island by a giant reptile weighing hundreds of kilograms.The massacre was the deadliest crocodile attack on humans recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.1945 was the year the Japanese imperial invasion of Asia ended. The Japanese army was attacked by the Allied forces in full force.Ramree Island is located on the...
German security firm Nitrokey recently released a report claiming that they have discovered an unrecorded feature in Qualcomm Snapdragon chips that collects and sends user information directly to Qualcomm's servers.This feature is independent of the Android operating system, which means that data is transmitted even if the operating system is not involved. Nitrokey installed a Google-free version of Android on a Sony Xperia XA2 phone equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 chip and found that...
Lembaga pemeringkat universitas EduRank.org telah merilis data universitas terbaik di dunia tahun 2023. Dalam daftar ini, terdapat beberapa kategori bidang studi dan jurusan terbaik dari seluruh universitas di dunia. Salah satu jurusan dari bidang Teknik yaitu jurusan Teknik Sipil masuk dalam daftar tersebut. Bagi calon mahasiswa yang berencana melanjutkan studi di jurusan Teknik Sipil, ada baiknya mengetahui terlebih dahulu biaya kuliah di universitas yang masuk dalam daftar universitas deng...
Banyak cara atau tips yang bisa dilakukan untuk menghindari plagiarisme dan kesamaan dalam proses penulisan artikel ilmiah maupun tugas akhir seperti skripsi, tesis, atau disertasi.Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (PGMI) Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama (Inisnu) Temanggung Hamidulloh Ibda melalui siaran pers yang diterima tim redaksi NU Online Jawa Tengah Rabu (26/4/2023) mengatakan , salah satu tekniknya adalah parafrase, karena pada ...
The history of the use of the US dollar in many countries in the world, as well as being the reserve currency of countries in the world, began with the birth of Uncle Sam's national currency. Reporting from Investopedia, Monday (22/11/2021), the US dollar was first printed in 1914. Printing of US dollar banknotes was carried out a year after the formation of the Federal Reserve (The Fed) as the central bank. , a description based on the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The first bill to b...
Pendahuluan suatu karya ilmiah atau tugas akhir merupakan bagian terpenting dari suatu karya ilmiah atau skripsi karena isi pendahuluan itu sendiri merupakan gambaran secara mendetail tentang penelitian yang Anda lakukan. Penulisan pendahuluan harus detail, mulai dari permasalahan yang diangkat dari penelitian Anda secara umum hingga hasil penelitian yang Anda harapkan. Meskipun isi pendahuluan sangat detail, namun tidak boleh terlalu panjang dan bertele-tele. Lantas, bagaimana cara menulis p...
The development of social media has brought significant changes to business people. In the past, the impact of violating business ethics only spread to the environment around the company. However, in this digital era, the impact can be wider, even to the global level. According to data from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics for 2015, active users of social media have reached 79 million people. This is where business actors innovate to actively promote through social m...
Definition of CPU Maybe we sometimes ask, how can a computer process data so quickly and precisely? The answer is, like humans, computers have a "brain", which is called the CPU (Central Processing Unit). CPU is the most important processing unit in computer devices. The term CPU is sometimes expressed as a box or casing in which there are several hardware devices, such as a motherboard, hard drive, RAM, VGA card, cable (power supply), and so on. When in fact the CPU is hardware (...
1. Entry of Japan into Indonesia Of course, you still remember that Japan easily succeeded in controlling the regions of East Asia and Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. Why is that? Because: Japan has succeeded in destroying the United States Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941;The mother countries (England, France and the Netherlands) are facing war in Europe against Germany;The nations of Asia really believe in the Japanese motto (Japan is the lea...