Garis Besar Pengenalan Menulis Karya Ilmiah Apa itu karya ilmiah? Mengapa menulis karya ilmiah penting? Tahap Persiapan Memilih topik yang sesuai Merumuskan pertanyaan penelitian Mengumpulkan dan mengevaluasi sumber informasi Merencanakan Karya Ilmiah Menyusun kerangka atau outline Mengatur alur pemikiran Menentukan tujuan dan hipotesis Menulis Bagian Pengantar Menarik perhatian pembaca Menj...
Berikut informasi lengkap bagimana cara meningkatkan kunjungan websitemu. 1. Menulis Konten yang Menarik dan Relevan Mengapa Konten yang Menarik Penting? Membuat Judul yang Menarik Mengoptimalkan Konten untuk SEO 2. Menggunakan Media Sosial untuk Promosi Membangun Kehadiran di Platform Media Sosial Mempromosikan Konten dengan Tepat Mengeksplorasi Iklan Berbayar 3. Meningkatkan Kecepatan dan Responsifitas Website Mengapa Kecepatan Website Penting? ...
Dalam panduan ini, kami akan membagikan cara menghentikan proses di cPanel melalui cron job. Langkah ini bisa Anda lakukan, jika ada kendala CPU atau memory limit, saat proses di hosting Anda sedang tinggi.Anda mungkin sering mengalami komputer atau laptop tiba-tiba hang, tidak memberikan respon apapun, karena banyak sekali aplikasi yang berjalan. Karena frustrasi, Anda mungkin akhirnya melakukan pematian paksa dengan menekan dan menahan tombol daya, lalu menyalakannya kembali.Banyaknya aplik...
RPL adalah pengakuan atas Hasil Belajar yang diperoleh seseorang dari pendidikan formal, nonformal, informal, dan/atau pengalaman kerja sebagai dasar untuk melanjutkan pendidikan formal dan untuk melakukan penyetaraan dengan kualifikasi tertentu.Program RPL ini telah disesuaikan dengan Permenristekdikti No. 26 Tahun 2016. Yang menjelaskan bahwa pedoman RPL sangat jelas dan mengacu pada landasan hukum Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 20 Tahun 2003. Sehingga RPL penting untuk kelangsungan pendi...
Amerika Serikat (AS) dihadapkan pada ancaman gagal bayar utang sebesar USD 31,45 triliun atau setara Rp. 462.000 triliun, per Maret 2023. Total utang ini menempatkan Amerika sebagai negara pertama dengan utang terbanyak di dunia.Menteri Keuangan Amerika Serikat (AS) Janet Yellen kembali mengingatkan jika Amerika Serikat tidak menaikkan plafon utang bisa berdampak pada perekonomian AS.Jika AS tidak menaikkan pagu utang, pemerintah AS berpotensi tidak mampu membayar upah, kesejahteraan, dan pem...
Meta CEO and Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg won a gold medal in his first ever jiu jitsu tournament. Apart from the gold medal, the man who is familiarly called Zuck also brought home a silver medal for his jiu jitsu team, the Guerrilla Jiu Jitsu Team. This achievement was conveyed by Zuckerberg in his latest Instagram post via the official account with the @zuck logo. Through his post, the Meta boss also shared several photos showing his actions in the jiu jitsu tournament which was ...
Users generally translate English documents into Indonesian using the help of Google Translate or Google Translate. But now, users can translate documents in Word without using Google Translate. Microsoft Word has an option that allows users to translate documents directly from Word. Compiled from various sources, here are three ways to translate text from English to Indonesian in Word: 1. How to translate part of the text in WordIf the user wants to translate text or a specific par...
Determining the right marketing strategy is one of the keys to the success of a business. Starting with knowing the target market to be addressed. What is meant by target market? The target market is the group of people who will sell your product. Generally, the target market will have the same characteristics both in terms of habits, demographics, and others. By knowing the target market, the marketing strategy becomes more effective and efficient, as well as saving costs because the promo...
Honey is one of the most durable food ingredients and can last a long time if stored properly. It is so durable that even honey is said to have no expiration date. Is that true? According to Professor of the Department of Animal Husbandry Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Asnath Maria Fuah MS., especially pure honey does not have an expiration date. It's just that if it is stored for too long the quality will decrease...
Currently, almost all websites are advised to use the HTTPS protocol. So, if you want to switch to HTTPS but are still unsure, we will help explain everything, from the differences between HTTP and HTTPS in terms of security, performance, to benefits for SEO. Apart from that, we will also explain how HTTP vs HTTPS protocols transmit data over the internet and the important role of SSL certificates, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each of these protocols. Differen...