Pengarang lirik: Ben H. Price, 1914
Pengarang Musik: Ben H. Price, 1914
Nada Dasar: 1=F 4/4
Yesus berdoa untuk daku, dalam Getsemani.
Ia mengecap cawan pahit, peluh bagai darah.
Ia berkorban kar’na daku, di bukit Golgota.
Hai dengarlah Ia berkata: “Genap, genap, g’naplah.”
Hai kawanku, mengapakah, tolak kasih-Nya Hu?
Mengapakah tak hampir Dia? Ia ‘kan s’lamatkanmu.
It was alone the Savior prayed
In dark Gethsemane;
Alone He drained the bitter cup
And suffered there for me.
It was alone the Savior stood
In Pilate’s judgment hall;
Alone the crown of thorns He wore
Forsaken thus by all.
Alone upon the cross He hung
That others He might save;
Forsaken then by God and man
Alone, His life He gave.
Can you reject such matchless love?
Can you His claim disown?
Come, give your all in gratitude,
Nor leave Him thus alone.

Temukan kidung nyanyian lainnya dari KPRI (Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 2004)