Jesus, immortal King, arise!
Assume, assert Thy sway,
Till earth, subdued, its tribute brings,
And distant lands obey.
Ride forth, victorious Conqueror, ride,
Till all Thy foes submit,
And all the powers of hell resign
Their trophies at Thy feet.
Send forth Thy Word and let it fly
The spacious earth around,
Till every soul beneath the sun
Shall hear the joyful sound.
O may the dear Redeemer’s Name
Through every clime be known,
And heathen gods, like Dagon, fall,
And Jesus reign alone!
O hasten, Lord, the happy time,
That long expected day,
When every kingdom, every tribe,
Shall own Thy gentle sway.
When all the untutored tribes
Shall the Redeemer own,
And crowds of willing converts come
To worship at Thy throne.
From sea to sea, from shore to shore,
Be thou, O Christ, adored,
And earth with all her millions shout
Hosannas to the Lord!

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