Pengarang lirik: William T. Matson
Pengarang Musik: Joachim Neander
Nada Dasar: 1=G 2/2
Tuhan Allah hadir dalam rumah ini,
mari sujud menyembah Dia.
Tunduk dan berbakti,
Hikmat dan sehati kepada Bapa Pengasih.
Pujilah, nama-Nya, besar anug'rah-nya,
Ajaiblah kasih-Nya.
Yesus Kristus hadir dalam rumah ini,
Hai, dengarkanlah sabda-Nya.
Umat yang ditebus, dosanya dihapus
Naikkan nyanyian kudus.
Pujilah, nama-Nya, umat yang t'lah bebas,
Dari segala dosa.
Rohul Kudus hadir dalam rumah ini,
Tinggal dalam hati kami.
Sucikanlah kami,
Jadikanlah bait-Hu 'tuk genapi kehendak-Mu.
Pujilah, nama-Nya, sampai selamanya,
Di rumah yang baka.
God is in his temple,
the almighty Father;
round his footstool
let us gather;
him with adoration serve,
the Lord most holy,
who hath mercy on the lowly;
let us raise hymns of praise
for his great salvation:
God is in his temple!
Christ comes to his temple,
we, his word receiving,
are made happy in believing;
lo! from sin delivered
he hath turned our sadness,
our deep gloom to light and gladness;
let us raise hymns of praise,
for our bonds are severed:
Christ comes to his temple.
Come and claim thy temple,
gracious Holy Spirit;
in our hearts thy home inherit;
make in us thy dwelling,
thy high work fulfilling,
into ours thy will instilling,
till we raise hymns of praise
beyond mortal telling,
in th'eternal temple.

Temukan kidung nyanyian lainnya dari KRI (Kidung Reformed Injili 2017 (Tidak resmi))