Pengarang lirik: E. Margareth Clarkson
Pengarang Musik:
Nada Dasar: 1=G 4/4
Our God is mighty, worthy of all praising;
Sing unto Him a glad triumphant song,
He is the Lord, supreme in earth and heaven,
To Him all strength and majesty be long.
Our God is gracious, infinite in mercy.
He bridged the hopeless gulf our sin has made,
He gave His Son to purchase our salvation,
In Jesus Christ we meet God unafraid.
Our God is faithful, He will work within us,
Fulfilling all the purpose He has planned,
Cleansing our hearts and filling with His spirit,
To make us strong to keep His last command.
Our God is sovereign over all creation,
And soon His earth shall hear His mighty voice,
With shouts of joy the King shall come in splendor,
Lift up our hearts, confess Him and rejoice!

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