Lord, the wind and sea obey Thee,
Moon and stars their homage pay Thee;
Listen to us, as we pray Thee,
Who on Thee for all depend.
Bless all travelers and strangers,
Safely keep the ocean rangers,
Guide them in the midst of dangers:
All to Thee we now commend.
Bless the friends we’ve left behind us;
Closer may our parting bind us:
May they dearer, better, find us,
When we reach our journey’s end.
On our way, dear Lord, direct us;
Where we err do Thou correct us;
From the powers of ill protect us,
From all perils us defend.
May we know Thy presence o’er us,
See Thy guiding hand before us,
Till Thou safely dost restore us,
Love to love and friend to friend.
Holy God, in mercy bending,
Human souls with love befriending,
Fit us all for joy unending,
When this earthly course doth end.

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