NGC NGC 6670 NGC 2442 and NGC 2443 NGC 6820 and NGC 6823 NGC 4656 and NGC 4657 NGC 945 NGC 3576 NGC 5090 and NGC 5091 List of NGC objects (1001–2000) NGC 5907 NGC 1300 NGC 1232 NGC 6383 NGC 7318 NGC 7035 and NGC 7035A NGC 4395 List of NGC objects NGC 3937 NGC 7320 NGC 4325 NGC 3184 NGC 4665 NGC 1512 NGC 4526 NGC 7752 and NGC 7753 NGC 6745 NGC 4565 NGC 4895 NGC 7714 NGC 4461 NGC 1142 NGC 4065 List of NGC objects (6001–7000) NGC 4212 NGC 1741 NGC 5364 NGC 523 NGC 4027 NGC 7020 NGC 1317 NGC 67 NGC 6872 NGC 6028 NGC 7079 NGC 4567 and NGC 4568 NGC 1531 List of NGC objects (4001–5000) NGC 3646 List of NGC objec…

cts (5001–6000) NGC 6039 NGC 2527 NGC 2264 NGC 7080 NGC 6975 NGC 2451 NGC 3402 NGC 4163 NGC 2371-2 NGC 2903 NGC 4061 NGC 6053 NGC 5502 NGC 6751 NGC 7331 NGC 3190 NGC 206 NGC 4845 NGC 6744 NGC 4098 List of NGC objects (3001–4000) NGC 5548 NGC 1077 NGC 1436 NGC 7610 NGC 17 NGC 3794 NGC 7742 List of NGC objects (2001–3000) NGC 4214 NGC 7196 NGC 5466 NGC 4070 NGC 5011 NGC 7217 NGC 55 NGC 1452 NGC 4881 NGC 5078 NGC 5866 Group NGC 3596 NGC 4638 NGC 972 NGC 6027a NGC 4886 NGC 509 NGC 659 NGC 1427A List of NGC objects (1–1000) NGC 6946 NGC 2346 NGC 2423-3 NGC 6951 NGC 3783 NGC 171 NGC 6884 NGC 6052 NGC 1291 NGC 185 NGC 1974 NGC 3054 NG

C 672 NGC 2349 NGC 2175 NGC 3314 NGC 464 NGC 4889 NGC 3632 NGC 1854 NGC 4517 NGC 2974 NGC 6388 NGC 203 NGC 5408 NGC 21 NGC 3 NGC 1448 NGC 891 NGC 4013 NGC 3628 Eyes Galaxies NGC 3370 NGC 7243 NGC 755 NGC 2997 NGC 4319 NGC 47 NGC 604 NGC 3384 NGC 595 NGC 4310 NGC 4725 NGC 6778 NGC 4993 NGC 5371 NGC 527 NGC 300 NGC 1128 NGC 7320c NGC 5866 NGC 2 NGC 3603 NGC 5253 NGC 3982 NGC 3191 NGC 772 NGC 1097 List of NGC objects (7001–7840) NGC 1573 NGC 2359 NGC 5189 NGC 5195 NGC 1 NGC 1316 NGC 6397 NGC 4631 Group NGC 7793 NGC 4945 NGC 5102 NGC 2403 NGC 1570 NGC 2477 NGC 3310 NGC 2204 NGC 752 NGC 4328 NGC 2360 NGC 151 NGC 5679 Group NGC 241 NGC 7479 NGC 1365 NGC 3079 NGC 1435

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This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article relies largely or entirely on a single source. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources.Find sources: Live at the Sugar Club – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (June 2015) The topic of this a…

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