Pengarang lirik: Lydia Baxter, 1871
Pengarang Musik: William H. Doane, 1871
Nada Dasar: 1=As 4/4
Ingat akan nama Yesus, kamu yang menanggung b’rat.
Nama itu b’ri kekuatan, bagi orang yang penat.
Ingat akan nama Yesus, tempat berlindung teduh.
Walau godaan menimpa, Ia p’risai yang teguh.
Nama Yesus sungguh indah, menggemarkan jiwaku.
Ia s’lalu b’ri penghiburan, ku mau puji nama Hu.
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
child of sorrow and of woe,
It will joy and comfort give you;
Take it then, where’er you go.
Take the Name of Jesus ever,
as a shield from ev’ry snare;
if temptations round you gather,
breathe that holy name in prayer.
O the precious name of Jesus!
How it thrills our souls with joy,
when His loving arms receive us,
and His songs our tongues employ!
At the name of Jesus bowing,
falling prostrate at His feet,
King of kings in Heav’n we’ll crown Him,
When our journey is complete.

Temukan kidung nyanyian lainnya dari KPRI (Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 2004)