Profil Dosen:


Perguruan Tinggi : Universitas Presiden
Program Studi : Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
Jabatan Fungsional : Asisten Ahli
Pendidikan Terakhir : S2
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-Laki
Status Aktif : Aktif
Ikatan Kerja : Dosen Tetap


No Tahun Ijazah Gelar Jenjang Perguruan Tinggi
1 2000 S.S S1 Universitas Indonesia
2 2012 MPA S2 National University Of Singapore


No Tahun Ajaran Nama Matakuliah Kelas Perguruan Tinggi
1. Ganjil 2019 1684 - Entrepreneurship 1 5893 Universitas Presiden
2. Ganjil 2019 1684 - Entrepreneurship 1 5891 Universitas Presiden
3. Ganjil 2019 1684 - Entrepreneurship 1 5894 Universitas Presiden
4. Ganjil 2019 1125 - Innovation & Entrepreneurship 7795 Universitas Presiden
5. Ganjil 2019 1861 - Indonesian Societal System 5895 Universitas Presiden
6. Ganjil 2019 474 - International Culture and Communication 5896 Universitas Presiden
7. Ganjil 2019 1684 - Entrepreneurship 1 5891 Universitas Presiden
8. Ganjil 2019 1684 - Entrepreneurship 1 5893 Universitas Presiden
9. Ganjil 2019 1684 - Entrepreneurship 1 5894 Universitas Presiden
10. Ganjil 2019 1684 - Entrepreneurship 1 5891 Universitas Presiden
11. Ganjil 2019 1684 - Entrepreneurship 1 5893 Universitas Presiden
12. Genap 2019 1513 - Entrepreneurship 2 8334 Universitas Presiden
13. Genap 2019 72 - The Role of Global Powers in World Politics 8000 Universitas Presiden
14. Genap 2019 1513 - Entrepreneurship 2 8334 Universitas Presiden
15. Genap 2019 710 - Country Risks in International Relations and Busines 8051 Universitas Presiden
16. Genap 2019 1513 - Entrepreneurship 2 8334 Universitas Presiden
17. Genap 2019 1513 - Entrepreneurship 2 8334 Universitas Presiden
18. Genap 2019 70 - The Study of Diplomacy and Technology 7985 Universitas Presiden
19. Genap 2019 1900 - Multinational Corporations & States Diplomacy 7999 Universitas Presiden
20. Genap 2019 70 - The Study of Diplomacy and Technology 7983 Universitas Presiden
21. Genap 2019 1513 - Entrepreneurship 2 8334 Universitas Presiden
22. Genap 2019 1513 - Entrepreneurship 2 8334 Universitas Presiden
23. Genap 2019 1513 - Entrepreneurship 2 8334 Universitas Presiden
24. Genap 2019 1513 - Entrepreneurship 2 8334 Universitas Presiden
25. Genap 2019 1513 - Entrepreneurship 2 8334 Universitas Presiden
26. Genap 2019 1513 - Entrepreneurship 2 8334 Universitas Presiden
27. Genap 2019 710 - Country Risks in International Relations and Busines 9097 Universitas Presiden
28. Genap 2019 1817 - Internship 26858 Universitas Presiden
29. Genap 2019 1032 - Indonesian Language 8897 Universitas Presiden
30. Genap 2019 1898 - Trade Diplomacy 9064 Universitas Presiden
31. Genap 2019 460 - Internship 26858 Universitas Presiden
32. Ganjil 2020 526 - Indonesian Economic System 9876 Universitas Presiden
33. Ganjil 2020 2325 - Introduction to Social and Cultural Studies 621 Universitas Presiden
34. Ganjil 2020 1817 - Internship 26858 Universitas Presiden
35. Ganjil 2020 1899 - Diplomacy Sovereign States & IP Rights 9919 Universitas Presiden
36. Ganjil 2020 526 - Indonesian Economic System 9877 Universitas Presiden
37. Ganjil 2020 2325 - Introduction to Social and Cultural Studies 620 Universitas Presiden
38. Ganjil 2020 2320 - Emotional Intelligence for Global Leaders 662 Universitas Presiden
39. Ganjil 2020 526 - Indonesian Economic System 9913 Universitas Presiden
40. Ganjil 2020 460 - Internship 26858 Universitas Presiden
41. Genap 2020 85 - Thesis 26858 Universitas Presiden
42. Genap 2020 70 - The Study of Diplomacy and Technology 1018 Universitas Presiden
43. Genap 2020 70 - The Study of Diplomacy and Technology 1016 Universitas Presiden
44. Genap 2020 70 - The Study of Diplomacy and Technology 1021 Universitas Presiden
45. Genap 2020 710 - Country Risks in International Relations and Busines 1032 Universitas Presiden
46. Genap 2020 710 - Country Risks in International Relations and Busines 1033 Universitas Presiden
47. Genap 2020 2506 - Psychology and Design Thinking in Global Affairs 962 Universitas Presiden
No. Judul Penelitian Bidang Ilmu Lembaga Tahun

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